День: 07.11.2015


Children continue to develop physically, and in early childhood they begin to under­stand what it means to be a boy or girl. Curiosity still is the basis for their sexuality dur­ing this time. Children also learn that their genitals are private during these years, and they often begin to associate sexuality with secrecy. Physical Development: […]


Schema theory articulates the process of creating a perception built on the preexisting schema (i. e. cognitive structure) coupled with new incoming information (Bem, 1981). According to Bem, a schema helps to shape an individual’s perception allowing individuals to attach meaning onto vast amounts of incoming information. A schema develops after an individual repeatedly observes […]

Sexual Behavior: Curiosity

In infancy, the child’s body is busy making sure all of his or her or­gans work and learning to control them. The sexual system is no exception. Male babies sometimes have erections during breast­feeding (which can be very disconcerting to the mother), whereas girls have clitoral erections and lubrication (though that is less likely to […]

What are the politics of gender?

Feminist politics is an attempt to represent women’s interests in order to overcome the gender inequalities which disadvantage women. Although women’s struggles to improve their position have a long history, there have been two periods of particularly noticeable mass activity, which are referred to as the first wave and the second wave of feminism. The […]

Czynmki biochemiczno-fizjologiczne

Czynniki biochemiczno-fizjologiczne sq zwiqzane przede wszystkim z fun — kcjonowaniem kory mozgowej, osrodkow podkorowych, gruczolow wewnqtrzwy — dzielniczych oraz narzqdow plciowych. Wszelkie zjawiska psychiczne, w tym rowniez emocjonalno-seksualne, sq integralnym skladnikiem procesow neurofizjologicznych przebiegajqcych w mozgu, zwlaszcza zas w korze mozgowej, W odniesieniu do emocji і pop? du seksualnego kora mozgowa spelnia funkcj? kontrolujqcq. Reguluje […]


Sexuality must be considered as an emergent process involving bio logical processes and social constructions that evolve on both the individ ual and group level to form each person’s unique sexual identity (Anderson, 1993). Although the observations of cultural and experiential differences among women are noted in clinical and empirical literature, theories of gender role […]

Indirect Ways to Change Roles

Women also tried to change marital roles indirecdy. This was a pri­mary strategy for traditional working mothers who desperately needed help at home but who couldn’t ask for a change in respon­sibilities directly or actively because they wanted the role—and whatever power came with it—themselves. Facing such a dilemma, Carmen Delacorte “played helpless” at cooking […]

Limit Complaints to One per Discussion

Many of us tend to avoid confrontations with our partners. This understandable reluc­tance to deal with negative issues can result in an accumulation of unspoken complaints. Consequently, when we finally reach the point where we need to say something, it may be difficult to avoid unleashing a barrage of complaints that includes everything on our […]

Express Negative Emotions Appropriately

Earlier we noted that it is wise to avoid confronting our partners when resentment or anger is riding high. However, there probably will be times when we feel compelled to express negative feelings. If so, certain guiding principles can help defuse a potentially explosive situation. Avoid focusing your anger on the character of your partner […]