День: 07.11.2015

Avoid “Why” Questions

People frequently use "why" questions as thinly veiled efforts to criticize or attack their partners while avoiding full responsibility for what is said. Have you ever asked or been asked any of the following questions? 1. Why don’t you make love to me more frequently? 2. Why don’t you show more interest in me? 3. […]

Temper Complaints With Praise

The strategy of tempering complaints with praise is based largely on common sense. All of us tend to respond well to a compliment, but we tend to find a harsh complaint or criticism difficult to accept, especially by itself. The gentler approach of combining compliment and complaint is a good way to reduce the negative […]

Adolescent Sexuality

Studying Childhood Sexuality Beginnings: Birth to Age 2 Physical Development: Fully Equipped at Birth Psychosexual Development: Bonding and Gender Identification Sexual Behavior: Curiosity Early Childhood: Ages 2 to 5 Physical Development: Mastering Coordination Psychosexual Development: What It Means to Be a Girl or Boy Sexual Behavior: Curiosity and Responsibility Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes: Sex Is […]

Czynniki morfologiczno-konstytucjonalne

Czynniki morfologiczno-konstytucjonalne zwi^zane sq z budowq. і roz — wojem calego organizmu, a zwlaszcza ukladu neuroend okrynnego oraz narzqdow plciowych. Dla prawidlowego rozwoju emocjonalno-seksualnego duze znaczenie ma prawidlowa budowa і rozwoj ciala oraz wszystkich jego narzqdow, a zwiqszcza kory mozgowej, osrodkow podkorowych, ukiadu wegetatywnego, rdzenia kr? gowego, nerwow obwodowych, receptorow zmyslowych, gruczolow wewnqtrzwydzielniczych oraz narzqdow […]

Expressing and Receiving Complaints

Contrary to the popular romantic image, no two people can fill all of each other’s needs all the time. It seems inevitable that people in an intimate relationship will sometimes need to register complaints and request changes. Accomplishing this may not be easy for caring individuals whose relationship is characterized by mutual empathy. The most […]

Multivariate Analysis

Tenure To explore whether the observed differences between men and women in their success at receiving tenure were statistically significant, and whether some of the variables described above explained those differences, we fitted a general­ized linear model to the binary outcome indicating whether a tenure decision was positive or negative. We included various institutional and […]