День: 07.11.2015

Czynniki genetyczne

Czynniki genetyczne sq przekaznikami cech dziedzicznych, jednakze czlowiek dziedziczy jedynie potencjalne mozliwosci rozwojowe. Jedne z tych predyspozycji zostaja przez srodowisko pobudzone і rozwtjajq si§, inne sq ham о wa­ne. Od charakteru wplywow srodowiskowych zalezy wi§c, ktore predyspozycje maj<i dogodne warunki rozwoju, a ktore ulegaj^ zahamowaniu. Poniewaz u kazdego cziowieka istnieje wielka roznorodnosc predyspozyji dziedzicznych — […]

Domestic Violence:. The Benefits of Assistance

I F GLOBAL NORMS and foreign intervention to help monitor, blame, and shame a government for its failure to address gender violence are not sufficient, perhaps more intrusive interventions could promote increased awareness and reform of policy and practice. Development agencies and large charitable foundations may join human rights advocates and transnational feminist networks, provid­ing […]


In The Female Sex Hormone (1929) Robert Frank suggested: “The female principle which we call the female sex hormone is widely distributed throughout the vegetable and animal kingdom.” Frank described the presence of the “female principle” in a wide variety of substances, not only originating from animals and not even restricted to the females of […]

Shifting boundaries between sex workers and non-sex workers

The Prostitution Prevention Law and the Entertainment Business Law have not stopped pro­stitution but have rather hidden it in a grey area where in practice it can take place unofficially along with other sorts of regulated sexual services which are overt. In other words, the sex industry has been both normalised through legalisation under the […]

Using “I” Language

Counselors encourage their clients to use "I" language when stating their needs to oth­ers (Worden & Worden, 1998). This forthright approach brings the desired response more often than does a general statement. For example, saying "I would like to be on top" is considerably more likely to produce that result than "What would you think […]

Factors Influencing Tenure and Promotion Decisions

The outcome of a tenure or promotion decision is the product of individual and departmental characteristics. Individual characteristics focus on evaluations of the faculty member’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. In the area of research, evaluation may focus on a professor’s productivity, measured in terms of publica­tions (i. e., journal articles, books, and chapters), presentations to […]