We discussed in Chapter 6 how true communication begins with listening. Nothing shows you care about another person quite as much as your full attention. Who is more of a bore than a person who talks only of him — or herself, who sees any comment made by another person primarily in terms of how […]
День: 07.11.2015
In the case of tenure, the survey first asked whether departments engaged in any tenure decisions during the past 2 academic years (2002-2003 and 20032004). Most of the 417 responding departments (78 percent) indicated that they did. Very similar results were obtained by disaggregating the departmental responses by discipline. In all fields, the percentage of […]
Developing Intimacy Skills
There are many ways to improve our intimacy skills. As we discussed in Chapter 6, developing intimacy often begins with understanding and liking ourselves—self-love. Other important skills we can develop to enhance our ability to form relationships include receptivity, listening, showing affection, trust, and respect. Self-Love Self-love is different from conceit or narcissism; it is […]
Phenomenology and Habitus: experiencing the body
Within the sociology of the body phenomenological approaches focus on how we experience our bodies. Phenomenology is the study of experiences, usually done via description. Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s (2003/1945) work is central. He understands subjectivity as located in the body. He is going against Cartesian models which say that subjectivity is located in the mind (I […]
What is in a name? Representation and symbolization of female and male genitalia
It is apparent that pronunciation of the name of the vulva is generally avoided. During our seminar discussions, students have categorically told me that it is not conventional for people in their communities to identify “that part” of the female body by its “name”. Why? The shame linked with various vernacular terms used to describe […]
One way to express deep love and intimacy is through sexual behavior, but sexual behavior itself is not necessarily an expression of love or intimacy. How do we make the decision to have sex? There are many levels of relationships that can lead to sex. Casual sex and “hooking up” can happen between people who […]
Corporeal Feminism
Australian feminist philosophers Elizabeth Grosz and Moira Gatens have endeavoured to develop a corporeal feminism which rethinks sexual difference without resort to essentialism. Grosz is perhaps the more influential of the two, so I shall discuss her ideas. Corporeal feminism relies largely on Jaques Lacan’s interpretation of Freud. Women are seen as the representation of […]
An angel with balls
In 1908 the avant-garde sculptor Jacob Epstein designed an angel for the tomb of Oscar Wilde in the cemetery of Pere Lachaise in Paris. ‘Homosexuals, artists and writers are outcasts’ reads the verse inscription. Epstein’s angel was not placed on the grave without a fight. There was a great commotion among all involved about the […]
“I’ve Become Isolated from Other People”
While regular porn use doesn’t require you to live your life in a cave, away from other people, on some level it can feel a lot like that. Many porn users tell us that one of the worst side effects of porn is how lonely and isolated from the important people in their lives they […]
The creation of a grey area between regulation and criminalisation
There are two major laws in Japan which affect the sex industry and its workers: the Prostitution Prevention Law (Baishun Boshi Ho, promulgated 1956; effective 1958) and the Entertainment Business Law (FUzoku EigyO Ho, 1948). The Prostitution Prevention Law is the basic law against prostitution and its history goes back to the end of the […]