День: 07.11.2015

Translating Domestic Violence

All along, some crisis centers had been invoking ideas more consonant with domi­nant ways of thinking about women in Russia. Regional crisis centers, even those that identified as feminist and drew upon human rights rhetoric, were more likely than those in St. Petersburg or Moscow to employ neotraditional, especially ma- ternalist, gender ideologies, often signified […]


Social capital/social networks is one of the most heavily studied topics in the field of entrepre­neurship. This is because personal relations are increasingly being viewed as the key to the construction, functioning and effectiveness of a viable business enterprise (Granovetter, 1973; 1985). It is increasingly recognized that success in business is linked to not what […]

Relationship With Parents

In general, good parental communication, an atmosphere of honesty and openness in the home, a two-parent home, and reasonable rules about sexuality are among the most important factors associated with adolescents delaying their first intercourse. This may be attributed to the fact that close families are more likely to transmit their sexual val­ues and integrate […]

Sex work in Mongolia

An estimated 4,000 persons, primarily women, engage in sex work in the capital city of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar (UNICEF 2006). The 1998 Mongolian Law against Pornography and Prostitution made the organisation or facilitation of prostitution illegal. However, many small hotels, massage parlours, salons, saunas, bars and nightclubs still organise and provide sex services for their clients. […]

Taming the Wild CC

Most claims about what the corpus callosum does are based on data about its size and shape. But how in the world can scientists produce accurate measure­ments of a structure as complex and irregularly shaped as the corpus callo­sum? Looked at from above, the CC resembles a raised topographical map (figure 5. i). A pair […]


In this textbook the word masturbation is used to describe self-stimulation of one’s genitals for sexual pleasure. Autoeroticism is another term used for masturbation. We discuss some perspectives on and purposes of masturbation and specific techniques used in masturbation. Perspectives on Masturbation Masturbation has been a source of social concern and censure throughout Judeo — […]

Risks and resiliency of women engaged in sex work in Mongolia

Catherine E. Carlson, Laura Cordisco Tsai, Toivgoo Aira, Marion Riedel, and Susan S. Witte Introduction Landlocked between Russia and China and comprised of over one-and-a-half million square kilometres, yet with a population of just under three million, Mongolia has the lowest population density of any country in the world (World Atlas 2012). In 1992, Mongolia […]