Political blogs have transformed the political landscape in the United States. Early on bloggers were credited with unseating Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (Shactman, 2002), and more recently, 2008 presidential candidates used their blogs to advertise and mobilize volunteers (Pole, 2010). Efforts to mobilize individuals, raise awareness, encourage readers to contact elected officials, vote, and […]
День: 08.11.2015
Nursing Care
Surprisingly, for all the differences between themselves and other types of care providers, hospital nurses reveal many of the same tensions in their caring work. Nurses differ from the majority of care workers in belonging to a profession: with government backing, nurses exercise at least a modicum of collective control over recruitment, training, licensing, rights, […]
Skojarzenia adruchowowarmtkowe
Proces warunkowania, tj. wytwarzania si? seksualnych odruchow warun — kowych, jako szczegolna postac procesu uczenia si? nowych reakcji na bodzee seksualne, odgrywa bardzo wazn^ rol? w ksztaltowaniu si? tresci upodoban, zachowan i fantazji seksualnych oraz wywiera zasadniezy wpfyw na przebieg reakcji t sprawnosc funkcji seksualnych. Proces ten jest oparty m. in. na zasadzie, ze sposob […]
Relationship Factors in Divorce
In general, couples who divorce have known for a long time that there were difficulties in their marriage, although they may not have contemplated divorce. These problems are made worse, in most cases, by communication problems. Some warning signs are communication avoidance (not talking about problems in the relationship); demand and withdrawal patterns of communication, […]
Universalist Moral Philosophies and Carol Gilligan’s Challenge
Undoubtedly, Gilligan’s work invoked the widespread recognition and controversy that it did because it reflected the coming-of-age of women’s scholarship within the paradigms of normal science. Equally significant, however, was that the kinds of questions which Gilligan was asking of the Kohlbergian paradigm were also being asked of universalist neo-Kantian moral philosophies by a growing […]
Predisposing Factors for Divorce
The Debate over Women and Moral Theory Revisited
Seyla Benhabib The contemporary debate over women and moral theory, which was prompted in 1982 with the publication of Carol Gilligan’s In A Different Voice, has generated an impressive literature of a truly multidisciplinary nature. Reflecting back on the various themes and disagreements of this debate, we can isolate several reasons why Gilligan’s work, in […]
The Stonewall Incident and Beyond
During the 1960s many people began to question traditional attitudes in American society in all areas, including the sexual. In this atmosphere, more and more homosexual people began to challenge the social problems they faced. The symbolic birth of homosexual activism occurred in 1969 in New York City when police raided a gay bar, the […]
. Point-and-Click Divorce
ing sex outside marriage) in order to dissolve the marriage. The growth of low-cost legal clinics and the overabundance of lawyers have made divorce cheaper and thus more accessible (see the accompanying Sex in Real Life, “Point-and-Click Divorce”). Additionally, the more equitable distribution of marital assets has made some people less apprehensive about losing everything […]
Women and Political Blogs
Another body of literature emphasizing women bloggers also informs this research (Herring, 2003; Herring et al., 2004; Herring & Paolillo, 2006; Kennedy et al., 2005; Pedersen & Macafee, 2007). While studies explore the role of gender more broadly, few accounts document the role of women political bloggers. Moreover, these accounts tend, more often than not, […]