День: 08.11.2015

Gender Differences in. Social Networking Presence. Effects on Web-Based. Impression Formation

Leslie Jordan Albert San Jose State University, USA Timothy R. Hill San Jose State University, USA Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan San Jose State University, USA INTRODUCTION With growth in the use of computers and the Internet, we now live in a world where there are two spheres of existence-a physical sphere and a digital sphere. Many now […]

Problemy seksualnosci

1. Rewolucja seksualna Terminem „rewolucja seksualna” potocznie okresla si? caloksztalt prze — mian obyczajowych, a szczegolnie obyczajow seksualnych, zapocz^tkowanych w latach pi? cdziesi£|tych XX w. і trwajgcych do dzisiejszego dnia w kr? gu kultury europejskiej і amerykanskiej. Przemiany dotycz^ przede wszystkim ilosciowych wyznacznikow praktyk і zachowan seksualnych, ktore mialy miejsce uprzednio, oraz jawnosci, z jakq […]

Comparison of Gay and Straight Relationships

The Gottman Institute conducted a 12-year study of gay and lesbian couples to exam­ine what makes same-sex relationships succeed or fail (Gottman et al., 2004). When the researchers compared the findings to results of their investigations with hetero­sexual couples, they discovered that overall relationship satisfaction and quality were similar for lesbian, gay, and straight couples. […]


Empire magazine’s survey compared the pool scene in Showgirls, intended as the ‘best sex scene in the world’, to ‘the first 10 minutes of Jaws’. Showgirls also made number two in Guardian Unlimited’s 2003 list, where ‘humping like dolphins’ was apparently not as bad as victor Matrix Reloaded’s seemingly impossible mission that’takes forever’. Top 10 […]

Neglecting the Criminal Law and Procedure

There was less attention focused on reforming the criminal laws regarding domes­tic violence when the parliament was revising the Soviet-era criminal code in the mid-1990s. Neither the embryonic women’s crisis center movement, the Women of Russia faction, nor international human rights advocates were directing criti­cism toward the criminal assault articles for including no specific reference […]


Adult sexual behavior includes a range of different sexual activities. There are some adults who choose not to engage in sexual behavior, whereas others may choose to ex­periment with sexual partners and behaviors. Celibacy, or abstinence, occurs when a person chooses not to engage in sexual intercourse. One 18-year-old man said: I just don’t take […]

Dear Gens X and Y

katty I was twenty-nine years old and living in Tokyo as a foreign correspondent for the BBC when I found out I was preg­nant with my first child. I phoned up my best friend, a col­league from work, and burst into tears. "I don’t know if I want kids. What about my career? No one […]