День: 08.11.2015

Homosexual Relationships in Context

We sometimes hear references to the "gay lifestyle" in popular vernacular. What is the gay lifestyle exactly? The term does not imply that all gays engage in the same work, recreation, and spiritual activities. The word lifestyle seems to be a euphemism for sexual conduct between same-sex partners (Howey & Samuels, 2000). There is no […]

Women as mothers — a natural phenomenon that must be overcome

Certain feminists have viewed women’s capacity for motherhood as a natural, biological phenomenon, but one that thereby prevents women from being capable of living a fully autonomous life. These feminists require that women overcome their ‘natural’ state to become free and autonomous. In existential feminist theory, becoming a woman is a socially constructed condition.[360] On […]

Recommendations for Institutions

Research I institutions should: 1. Design and implement new programs and policies to increase the number of women applying for tenure-track or tenured positions and evalu­ate existing programs for effectiveness. This includes enhancing institutional efforts to encourage female graduates and postdocs to consider careers at RI institutions. In each of the six disciplines studied, women […]

Concluding remarks

This paper includes a theoretical re-thinking of ‘female sexuality’, rooted in an empirical inquiry about ‘excision/female genital mutilation’ and nuptial advisors. The purpose of such an approach is to bring about elements of discussion that reveal the cultural basis of these practices as much as possible. In Mali, the social construction of individual sexuality is […]

Involvement in the Gay Community

The need to belong is a deeply felt human trait. For many, the sexual minority com­munity helps provide a feeling of belonging and the affirmation and acceptance that are missing in the larger culture (Russell & Richards, 2003). Social and political involve­ment with other homosexual people is another step in coming out. Homosexual people have […]

Gender and Difference in the Gilligan Debate

Carol Gilligan’s work challenges universalist moral theories in the Kantian tradition to expand their definition of the moral domain, to question their ideals of the autonomous self in the light of the experiences of women and children, and to acknowledge that a universalist moral theory must also heed the voice of the “excluded others.” In […]

Other Models of Sexual Response

There have been several other, less comprehensive, models proposed, such as noted sex­ologist Helen Singer Kaplan’s triphasic model (Kaplan, 1979), David Reed’s Erotic Stimulus Pathway (ESP), and Tiefer’s New View model. Kaplan’s triphasic model has only three stages, whereas Reed’s ESP has four. Kaplan believed sexual response included sexual desire, excitement, and orgasm (see Figure […]

Testicular cancer

. . . is rare: in the United States, between 8,400 diagnoses of testicular cancer are made each year. Over his lifetime, a man’s risk of testicular cancer is roughly 1 in 250 (four tenths of one per cent, or 0.4 per cent). It is most common among males aged fifteen-40 years, particularly those in […]