День: 08.11.2015


We have already discussed how hormones and ethnicity affect our sexual behavior, but there are many other variables to consider. Our culture, our religion, and social, eco­nomic, psychological, and biological factors all contribute to the way we behave sexu­ally. As we grow, we learn strong messages about acceptable and unacceptable behaviors from the culture at […]

Stalled Autonomous Legislation on Violence. in the Family, 1994—1997,1999

For Russian and international activists alike, the most important legal reform would be comprehensive legislation on domestic violence.40 The pressure began one year before the 1995 U. N. conference in Beijing and was surprisingly success­ful. In 1994, the Women of Russia faction introduced draft domestic violence legislation into the Duma’s Committee on Women, Family, and […]

Zcspol kultury zachodniej

Caloksztalt wplywow kulturowych, jakim poddawany jest czlowiek w calym swoim zyciu, wywiera istotny wpiyw na wszelkie przejawy seksualnosci, a m. in. modyfikuje odczucia, zachowania і reakcje seksualne. W tym sensie wszelkie przejawy seksualnosci uzewn? trzniaj^ce si? u ludzi egzystuj^cych w kr? gu kultury zachodnioeuropejskiej nalezy rozpatrywac na tie szczegolnych warunkow, integral — nie zwiqzanych z […]


To the outsider coming to the dispute for the first time, the flurry of numbers and measures is bewildering. In displaying and analyzing their measurements, scientists call on two distinct intellectual traditions, both often labeled with the word statistics.66 The first tradition—the amassing of numbers in large quantity to assess or measure a social problem—has […]


How does our ethnic group and our race affect our sexuality? First, ethnicity and sexual­ity join together to form a barrier, a “sexualized perimeter,” which helps us decide who we let in and who we keep out (Nagel, 2003). Ethnicity can also affect which sexual be­haviors we engage in, the frequency of these behaviors, our […]

Strategies of Cooperation

Some 20 percent of men expressed the genuine desire to share the load at home, and did. A few men expressed the genuine desire to share but were prevented from doing it because their wives “took over” at home. As a teacher, and mother of two, put it, “My hus­band does all the baking. Heti […]

Challenges, Exclusion and Discrimination in the Blogosphere

Women overwhelmingly expressed challenges to blogging. A majority of respondents asserted that sexism in the blogosphere was rampant. Interviewees repeatedly remarked that nasty comments were commonplace. Invectives suchas “shut-up you dumb-bitch” and “cunt” were echoed throughout the interviews. In the com­ment section of one woman’s blog the following appeared: “I bet you’re a fat ugly […]

Punishments, wars, tortures

‘He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy parts cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord’, said Moses in Deuteron­omy 23:1. For the unsuspecting Bible reader this probably seems a very severe utterance. I couldn’t make head or tail of it until I found P. Dufour F. Helbing’s […]