День: 09.11.2015

The Ideological Message: Reprivatizing Sexuality and «Preserving the Family&quot

Organized opposition to abortion has never been a single-issue move­ment. The underlying message of the crusade against abortion—the mes­sage the New Right has embraced as its ideological centerpiece—is con­veyed in the defensive response by Dr. J. C. Willke, president of the NRLC, to accusations about firebombings and the harassment of abortion clinics: It is they […]

Changes in Sexual Behavior

Two of the most frequent complaints among elderly men are decreases in sexual desire and also in the ability to perform. Because of these changes, masturbation increases, and rates of sexual intercourse decrease (C. B. White, 1982). Research on older homosexual men has found that they continue to be sexually active; however, they tend to […]

Injected Contraceptives

Depo-Provera is an injectable hormone-based contraceptive. It was approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1992. Lunelle, another injected contra­ceptive, was approved in 2000. How Injected Contraceptives Work The active ingredient in Depo-Provera is progestin, which inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins and prevents follicular maturation and ovulation. These actions also cause […]

Defining ‘race’ and ethnicity

‘Race’ is a highly problematic term. Categorizations of race are usually inflicted upon people in ways that carry judgements about their sup­posed inferiority. Sociologists recognize how ideas about race produce racial inequalities, even if those ideas are wildly inaccurate. Racism is a form of prejudice based on ‘common sense’ and inaccurate beliefs about the differences […]


As men and women age, a variety of physical changes affect sexual functioning and be­havior. We will now discuss these physical changes and their affect on sexual behavior. (We will discuss more of the challenges of aging and health concerns in Chapter 14.) Physical Changes As people age, they inevitably experience changes in their physical […]

Care in and out of the Law

Caring relations involve sustained and/or intense personal attention that enhances the welfare of its recipient. Care becomes intimate care to the extent that at least one party to the relationship acquires information not widely available to third parties, and whose dissemi­nation could somehow hurt the information-giver. Intimate care in­volves strenuous relational work: establishing, matching, repairing, […]

Same-Sex Sexual Techniques

Though the similarities between heterosexual and same-sex sexual behavior are many, there are some differences. The differences have to do with frequency and types of sex­ual behaviors in which couples engage. Gay Men Gay men use a variety of sexual techniques, which refutes the stereotype that most gay men assume only one role (either passive […]

Moral condemnation of premarital sex

When unmarried youth in Vietnam have sex, they rarely use a condom or other means of protection from unwanted pregnancy and STIs (Gammeltoft 2002: 483-96). This sexual risk­taking, we argue, has moral roots. Socially dominant prescriptions for appropriate sexual relations — which circulate in families, neighbourhoods, schools, health clinics, and workplaces — tell young people […]