‘Race’ is not just something black people have; all of us are shaped and indeed gendered by it. ‘Race’ developed primarily as a term to try and explain differences between whiteness and blackness, and to account for the different ways of life of white and black peoples around the world. The majority of the world’s […]
День: 09.11.2015
Positions for Sexual Intercourse
According to the Complete Manual of Sexual Positions (Stewart, 1990), there are 116 vaginal entry positions, and, in The New Joy of Sex (Comfort & Rubenstein, 1992), 112 positions are illustrated. Of course, we don’t have enough room to describe all of these positions, so we will limit this discussion to the four main positions […]
‘Prostitutes’ or Modern Women? Negotiating Respectability in Northern Tanzania
Liv Haram Introduction The migration of women into East African towns has always generated particular moral discourses on women’s life and particularly, their sexual behaviour. Even during colonial times, urbanisation was considered to affect Africans badly by separating them from rural life, family, clan or tribal authority. It also was thought to severely disrupt their […]
Research on HIV/AIDS in East Asia
When HIV/AIDS was first recognised in North America and Europe, people living outside those regions displayed little concern. Especially in East Asia, the number of people infected with HIV was few or, if any, those people were assumed to have been infected outside of their own country. In the early 1990s, however, concern on the […]
Ho rmones! The Very Idea!
The gonads, people have long known, affect the body and psyche in myriad ways. For centuries, farmers have known that castration affects both the physique and behavior of farm animals. And although human castration was officially banned by the Vatican, in Europe the specialized singing voices of the castrati were heard in more than a […]
Pozycja mqiczyzny і kobiety w spoleczenstwie
Jednym z zasadniczych mechanizmow przemian spolecznych, ktory decydujqco rzutuje na sfer? seksualnq, jest okreslona pozycja m? zczyzny і kobiety w spoleczenstwie. Wiadomo, ze w zwiqzkach uczuciowo-seksualnych (tak zreszt^ jak і w innych kontaktach mi? dzyhidzkich) obowi^zuje zasada partnerstwa. Oznacza to, ze zwi^zki te tylko wowczas mogq. si? rozwijac optymalnie і prawidiowo, dawac maksimum satysfakcji oraz […]
“Our Share of Honoured and Socially Useful. Human Toil” : The Working Mother
Advocates of women’s emancipation challenged virtually all conventional notions of female difference, whether of physical strength, intellectual acuity, or emotional stability, that were invoked to bar women from various kinds of work. During the prewar era, the British Olive Schreiner claimed for women “our share of honoured and socially useful human toil, our full half […]
Przemiany spoleczne a seksualnosc
Rozwoj czlowieka mozna rozpatrywac m. in. jako nieustanny proces uzewn? trzniania si? jego sfery intelektu, uczuc, zdolnosct І wszechstronnej aktywnos — d, к tor a ksztaltuje jego otoczenie, jego swiat — a ten z kolei ksztaUuje samego czlowieka. Та obustronna zaleznosc staje si? jaskrawo widoczna w zakresie stosunkow spolecznych. Przemiany spoleczne doprowadzaj^ do zmian w […]
Divorce and the Second Shift
Over the last thirty years in the United States, more women have gone out to work, and more have divorced. According to the sociologist William Goode, working women have a higher divorce rate than housewives in the former Soviet Union, Germany, Sweden, and France. Indeed, in France, working women have twice the divorce rate of […]
The vicissitudes of nostalgia
From the Greek nostos meaning to return home, and algos meaning pain, the term nostalgia was coined by the seventeenth-century Swiss physician Johannes Hofer to refer to a potentially fatal homesickness observed first in soldiers estranged from their homeland. As per the narcissist in Freud’s lexicon, characterised by megalomania and the withdrawal of libido from […]