День: 09.11.2015

New Directions for Women

Other new directions for women consist of variations on methods of delivery and for­mulations of hormones in existing methods. A spray-on contraceptive may be added to the choices of transdermal contraceptives, and a vaginal contraceptive ring used continuously for one year is under development (Harrison-Hohner, 2010). Some of the research on new contraceptive methods for […]

The Modern Era

passing woman Woman who disguises herself as a man. From the 16th century on, homosexuals were subject to periods of tolerance and periods of severe repression. In the American colonies, for example, homosexuality was a seri­ous offense. In 1656, the New Haven Colony prescribed death for both males and fe­males who engaged in homosexual acts. […]


Wendy Brown (1995) deals with the difficulties of overcoming histories of colonization and slavery as central to understanding the intertwining of inequalities of gender and of race. She re-reads Nietzsche’s ideas about resentment being a major part of a dominant modern morality emerging within more democratic societies. He sees that modern morality as a result […]

The Ancient World

Before the 19th century, men who engaged in homosexual acts were accused of sodomy (SA-duh-mee), or buggery, which were simply seen as crimes and not considered part of a person’s fundamental nature. Homosexual activity was common, homosexual prostitu­tion was taxed by the state, and the writers of the time seemed to consider men loving men […]

The Observer Perspective and Moral Development

Turning to Habermas’s account of moral development, I want to look at his effort to clarify some of the conceptual problems in Kohlberg’s theory. Drawing from Selman’s stages of perspective taking, Habermas endeavors to provide a more plausible grounding for the logic of moral development and to show how the demanding process of ideal role-taking […]


Sexual Humor and Male Dominance Michael Mulkay (1988) has examined the representation of women in men’s sexual humor by analyzing dirty jokes (collected by folklore re­searchers) and comic routines in British pubs (observed by ethnographers). The assumptions underlying men’s sexual humor, and the ways in which it represents male-female relationships, may function both to express […]

An emphasis on (cultural) meanings

The cultural turn shifted focus from how colonization and slavery produced material inequalities between the mainly white West and the non-white ‘rest’ to attempts to understand the gendered production of colonized or racialized subjects. Stuart Hall (1997) has provided a useful framework for considering this production, drawing on new approaches to colonization. One of the […]