The case of the dead man and his wife and lover also illustrates several important points related to individuals and their reactions to contradictory aspects of sociality. Obviously the man’s sexual infidelity provoked the wife. A man who keeps a lover (or lovers) has to spend a lot of time and resources on her (them) […]
День: 09.11.2015
Oral Sex: Not So Taboo
Oral sex, also called cunnilingus (oral sex on a woman) and fellatio (oral sex on a man), has been practiced throughout history. Ancient Greek vases, 10th-century temples in India, and even 19th-century playing cards, all portrayed couples engaging in different types of oral sex. Over the years, however, there have been many taboos associated with […]
Criticizing a discursive approach to class
Looking at discursive constructions of class is useful to clarify the interweaving of class with gender in valuing people. Such an approach helps recognize the hierarchical basis of conceptions of sex/gender/sexuality. To paraphrase George Orwell: some women are more equal than others. In some respects a discursive approach helps answer questions about why women do […]
“I Thought He Had Quit”
Debbie was shocked to discover that Roger was still using porn when he had told her he had quit ten years earlier. One morning when she was packing up their camper to go on a vacation, she found a receipt for a porn video rental dated the night before. “I confronted him about it. After […]
‘As she lay there dozing next to me, one voice inside my head keptsaying, "Relax, yon are not the first doctor to sleep with one of hispatients," but another kept reminding me, "Howard, you are aveterinarian."’ Roger Matthews
The discursive construction of class and gender
Many feminists (see for example, Adkins and Skeggs, 2004; Duggins and Pudsey, 2006) wishing to move beyond economistic or structuralist theories of class have turned to the thinking of Pierre Bourdieu, who is highly critical of crude materialist distinctions between the real and the symbolic. He has extended the Marxist understanding of class (for example, […]
The Pill: Four Basic Types
The constant-dose combination pill has been available since the early 1960s and is the most commonly used oral contraceptive in the United States. It contains two hormones, synthetic estrogen and progestin (a progesterone-like substance). The dosage of these hormones remains constant throughout the menstrual cycle. There are more than 32 different varieties of combination pills, […]
The “centering” of desire, especially the desire for meaning, within the organism is essential to the view of the human as active participant in even its earliest phases of development. This may be among Freud’s most generative contributions. My quarrel is not with this concept. Rather it is the taking for granted of the specific […]
Manual Sex on Men
Many women (and men too) do not know exactly what to do with the penis. Does rubbing feel good? How do men like to have their penis stroked? Will it hurt? Can something break? When do men like to have their penis touched? Because of these concerns, many partners become overly cautious in touching the […]
Kodeks wykroczen
W polskim kodeksie wykroczen z 20 maja 1971 r. rozdzial XVI jest poswi^cony wykroczeniom przeciwko obyczajnosci publicznej. W rozdzialc tym sg omowione okreslone zachowania, w ktorych element seksualny moze miec duze znaezenie. Brzmienie poszczegolnych artykulow jest nast? puj^ce: „Art. 140. Kto pubiicznie dopuszcza si? nicobyczajncgo wybryku, podlega karze aresztu do micsitjea, ograniczenia wolnosci, grzywny do […]