День: 09.11.2015


This chapter reflects the position on the Child Support Act as it was in autumn 1994. However, important concessions were made by the government in December 1994 and early in 1995. Briefly, these changes were, first, that action would be deferred on certain categories of cases (where parents had not co-operated or supplied enough information, […]

Manual Sex on Women

Many men (and women too) do not know exactly what to do with the female genitals. What feels good? Rubbing? Can rubbing hurt? Can anything break? When does a woman like to have her clitoris touched? Where do women like to be touched? Men and women who worry about these questions may become overly cautious […]

Manual Sex: A Safer-Sex Behavior

Manual sex (also referred to as a “hand job”) refers to the physical caressing of the gen — ^manual sex itals during solo or partner masturbation. Generally, people think of manual sex as some — The physical caressing of the gemtais during solo or partner masturbation. thing that happens before sexual intercourse, but it has […]

Hormone-Based Contraceptives

In this section, we look at the most popular hormone-based birth control methods: oral contraceptives, the vaginal ring, the transdermal patch, injected contraception, and contraceptive implant. chapter 10 Oral Contraceptives Oral contraceptives have evolved during 40 years of developing variations in the chemi­cal structure and dosage of hormones, resulting in a wide range of choices. […]

Battles within Families

The Faulks case involves contestation over professional medical care, much of which took place outside the patient’s home. It also involves competition between the claims of a foster son and those of the doctor that provided the care. What happens then when legal adversaries are members of the same family and when care occurs mainly […]

Hormonal Correlates

The enthusiasm for a hormonal direct-drive model for sexuality is reflected in many studies that imply benefits from estrogen replacement therapy (HRT). In biological models of menopause, sexual functioning should be closely associated with changes in reproductive hormones—es­tradiol (a form of estrogen), progestin, or androstenedione (a form of tes­tosterone). Most, if not all, of the […]

Coordinated Community Projects and Legal Trainings

Foreign intervention also came from programs explicitly designed to foster state- society collaboration along the model of coordinated community approach. One such program was through Vermont-based Project Harmony, which aims to pro­mote community partnerships and provides hands-on training for law enforce­ment officials. With funding from the U. S. State Department’s Bureau for In­ternational Narcotics and […]

Foreplay: The Prelude?

It is interesting to consider how people define “foreplay.” Is foreplay all of the sexual behaviors that take place before sexual intercourse? What if sexual intercourse does­n’t occur? For the majority of heterosexuals, foreplay is often defined as everything that happens before vaginal penetration (touching, kissing, massage, oral sex, etc.). It has been viewed as […]