In sum, despite these limitations, adding substantial assistance to the blame and shame of human rights advocates working with transnational feminists was much more effective than the blame and shame process alone. Foreigners gave local activists considerable financial support for their activism, for their campaigns to raise public awareness of domestic violence, and for their […]
День: 09.11.2015
Behaviorist Theories
It is interesting to point out, however, that in a society like ours that tends to view heterosexuality as the norm, it would seem that very few men and women would be societally reinforced for homosexual behavior, yet homosexuality exists even without this positive reinforcement from society.
Spoleczno-kulturowe zrodla konfliktow і zaburzen emocjonalno-seksualnych
1. Kulturowo uwarunkowane module і nastawienie do seksualnosci Poznanie mechanizmow і uwarunfcowari kulturowych ma ogromne znaczenie dla wlasciwego rozwi^zywania konfliktow і usuwania zaburzen emocjonalno-seksualnych. Wynika to z faktu, ze duza cz? sc instytucji — nie tylko spolecznych — regulujgcych zycie seksualne czlowieka jest uwarunkowana nie tylko ekonomicznie і ustrojowo, ale takze kulturowo. Elementy cigglosci І […]
Post-colonialism: Changing economics and ideas?
An emphasis on economics It can be argued that much of the debate about relationships between gender,‘race’, and ethnicity began to shift from the late 1980s into the field of feminist post-colonial theory where the cultural or discursive aspects of colonial processes and their ongoing aftermath were the central issues. However, from the 1970s black […]
New Directions in Contraception
As we have seen in this chapter, potential health hazards and inconveniences are associated with available contraceptive methods. Unwanted pregnancies occur each year because of contraceptive and user failure. We look at future possibilities for both men and women. New Directions for Men Current research has focused on methods designed to inhibit sperm production, motility, […]
By definition, what constitutes sexual deviance and what constitutes sexual perversion relate to larger categories of social practice than those that are specifically sexual. This leads us to a useful distinction between sexual deviance and sexual perversion. Sexual deviance might be defined as the inappropriate or flawed performance of conventionally understood sexual practices. Rape, for […]
Peer Group Interaction
Storms (1981) suggests a purely constructionist theory of development. Noting that a person’s sex drive begins to develop in adolescence, Storms suggests that those who develop early begin to become sexually aroused before they have significant contact with the other sex. Because dating usually begins around the age of 15, boys who mature at the […]
“I’ve Lost Respect for Him ”
Loss of trust can quickly turn into loss of respect. It’s difficult to continue to respect someone you now know to be a liar and a deceiver, or someone you discover has a problem with impulse control, aberrant sexual interests, and emotional intimacy. In an instant a woman’s view of her partner can shift from […]
Transmitting HIV
Internationally, HIV is understood to spread in the following groups: recipients of blood products, truck drivers, injecting drug users, men who have sex with men (MSM), and commercial sex workers and their clients (UNAIDS 2011). Such categories have been developed through statistical reliability. That is, they become significant when large numbers are detected, and then […]
The Individual Level: Gender as Masculinity and Femininity
Within the discourse of gender, certain traits, behaviors, and interests are associated with women, and others with men. Gender is assumed to be dichotomous—a person can be classified as either masculine or feminine but not both—and to reside within the individual. Moreover, the masculine pole of this constructed dichotomy is the more valued. People develop […]