The most prominent explanation of inequalities between developed and underdeveloped nations in the 1950s maintained that what was needed was for poorer nations to modernize via the same route as ‘successful’ Western nations. W. W. Rostow’s (2000/1960) modernization theory argued it was tradition that was holding developing nations back. According to this view, aid and […]
День: 09.11.2015
The Interpersonal Level: Gender as a Cue
Gender cues are used to tell us how to behave toward others in social interactions, although much of this sex-differential treatment happens outside awareness. The behavior of men and boys is often evaluated more positively than the behavior of women and girls. Even when a woman and a man behave in identical ways, their behavior […]
Rule Five: Be Prepared to Reassure Your Boss, on Every Level
Bosses are worriers. They can’t help it. Bear with them. When it comes to granting flexibility we’ve found most of their concerns boil down to that one simple question: How will I know you won’t just play with the kids and lounge around at home on the company’s payroll eating Doritos all day? We know, […]
Enter Hormones, Center Stage
By 1915 three book-length treatises on reproduction, hormones, and the sexes had been published. The Physiology of Reproduction, by Francis H. A. Marshall, which appeared in 1910, summarized more than a decade of work and became the founding text of the new field of reproductive biology. Marshall, a university lecturer in agricultural physiology, studied the […]
Male Sterilization
Male sterilization is as effective as female sterilization and has the advantages of being safer I Figure 10.11 Essure, a tiny coil that and less expensive and having fewer complica- is used in female sterilization. tions following surgery. However, of people who judge exactly when he must withdraw, and his tendency is to remain inside […]
Phase 3: The Interaction Phase
Similar to off-line, the next phase in the online dating courting process involves interaction. This of course takes place online. It might initially take place through: an exchange of e-mails via the site; a site’s instant messaging program; personal e-mail accounts; or an instant messaging program found off the site. It might then move on […]
Female Sterilization
Female sterilization has become a relatively safe, simple, and inexpensive procedure. Approximately 25% of married women of childbearing age in the United States rely on female sterilization as their method of contraception (Mosher & Jones, 2010). Tubal sterilization can be accomplished by a variety of techniques that use small incisions and either local or general […]
Kultura seksualna
Dawniej, wskutek niskiego poziomu kultury seksualnej, nagminnie wyst? powala u m? zczyzn tzw. imp о tent ia satisfaciendi, polegajqca na niemoznosci zaspokojenia seksualnego kobiety w czasie kontaktow seksualnych. Wynikalo to najcz? sciej z braku wiedzy о potrzebach uczuciowych І reakcjafch seksualnych kobiety, niedoceniania gry miiosnej poprzedzajqcej spolkowanie, z egoizmu oraz z powodu przedwczesnego lub zbyt […]
. Departments in Survey
Name of Institution Name of Department URL Arizona State University School of Life Sciences http://sols. asu. edu/people/faculty. php Boston University Biology http://www. bu. edu/biology/ faculty_and_staff. html Molecular, Cell and Biochemistry http://www. brown. edu/ Brown University Departments/Molecular_Biology/ faculty. html California Institute of Technology Biology http://biology. caltech. edu/faculty/ Carnegie-Mellon University Biological Sciences http://www. cmu. edu/bio/ contacts/faculty. shtml […]
Rachael and Nora had known each other since the time when they both had been involved in petty-trade, commuting between Arusha town and the Kenyan border in the late 1970s and early 1980s. When Nora introduced me to Rachael in 1991, Rachael was 34 years of age, and had become a relatively well-established shop owner. […]