Sterilization is the most effective method of birth control except abstinence from sexual intercourse, and its safety and permanence appeal to many who want no more children or who prefer to remain childless. Sterilization is the leading method of birth control in the United States and around the world (Peterson, 2008). Although medical procedures to […]
День: 09.11.2015
. Survey Instruments
Section B: Tenure Process Section В: Tenure Process Plwse answer (tie toll owing questions tor each faculty member who was considered for tenure during 2002-00 and 2903-0* It you considered more than tour faculty members, phase copy this page and attach the additional sheett’sl. Tenured or tenure-track faculty more senior than you Tenured or […]
Basal Body Temperature Method
Another way of estimating high-fertility days is through temperature, using the basal body temperature method. Immediately before ovulation the basal body temperature (BBT, the body temperature in the resting state on waking in the morning) drops slightly. After ovulation the corpus luteum releases more progesterone, which causes the body temperature to rise slightly (0.2°F). Because […]
Colonization and slavery
If we are to really understand inequalities of ‘race’ and how they relate to gender then it is crucial to know about colonization, which is a process by which an invading people impose their economic and political structures and their cultural beliefs upon the indigenous people. The material changes consequent from economic colonization have been […]
Standard Days Method
The standard days method is the newest approach to natural family planning. It is appropriate for women who have menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days long. Couples avoid unprotected intercourse on days 8 through 19 of each menstrual cycle. This "fertile window" is 12 days long to take into account both the days around […]
“How Can I Ever Trust Him Again?”
When Debbie finally learned that her husband, Roger, had been secretly masturbating to porn for the twenty years of their troubled relationship, she completely lost her trust in him and in their relationship. “All those years I doubted my own sanity, because at times when I questioned him, Roger told me nothing was going on,” […]
A timeline of HIV in China: From drug to blood to sex trades
Over the last three decades, very different accounts of China’s HIV prevalence have been published and spread by stakeholders in China and internationally. For example, the Chinese government perspective on the prevalence and spread of HIV in China has differed from reports issued by international organisations like the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS […]
Gender-Role Nonconformity
One group of studies that has begun to fuel debate about the role of early childhood in the development of homosexuality is gender-role nonconformity research. The studies are based on the observation that boys who exhibit cross-gender traits—that is, who be- have in ways more characteristic of girls of that age—are more likely to grow […]
The Surveys
The committee designed the surveys to collect information that has gone largely uncollected—or has been done for a few universities, but not across many institutions. As noted earlier in the chapter, the committee designed the departmental survey to focus on processes, particularly tenure, promotion, and hiring, as well as on departmental characteristics. The faculty survey, […]
In this chapter we have seen how the new science of sex endocrinology established its material authority. By focussing on one specific feature in the laboratory, the experiment, we obtained a more detailed picture of the impact of laboratory science on meanings and practices concerning the human body. This episode also had major consequences for […]