День: 09.11.2015

Fertility Awareness Methods

The birth control methods that we have discussed so far require the use of pills or devices. Some of these methods have side effects in some users, and there can be health risks associated with using oral contraceptives and the IUD. The barrier methods we have looked at—condoms, vaginal spermicides, and the diaphragm—have fewer side […]


The transparency of the self in traditional societies, where individuals are assumed to be what they appear to be, gives way in modern settings to the emergence of the more opaque strategies of the narrating subject. Objects of sexual desire, being representations of what is experienced as coming from within the self, as well as […]

Emergency Contraception

What if a condom slips off, or a divorced couple is unexpectedly intimate (for "old time’s sake") without birth control, or a couple runs out of condoms and uses only foam, or a woman is raped while trying to walk to her car after a night class, or a woman is two days late starting […]

«Medical Necessity» Versus Women’s Autonomy

Roe v. Wade The concept of "medical necessity," or "therapeutic abortion," defines nonmedical abortions as "elective," meaning they are somehow frivolous, unnecessary.5 This bifurcated view distorts reality; it denies that familial, economic, and sexual conditions, as well as those of physical health, create genuine needs that justify abortion. It also reduces the meaning of health, […]

Developmental Theories: Differences Are Learned

Developmental theories focus on a person’s upbringing and personal history to find the origins of homosexuality. Developmental theories tend to be constructionist; that is, they see the development of homosexual behavior as a product of social forces rather than being innate in a particular individual. First we will discuss the most influential de­velopment theory, psychoanalytic […]

Romiouprawnienie a seksualnosc mqzczyzn

Rejestruje si? dodatni і ujemny wpiyw rownouprawnienia na seksualnosc m? zczyzn. Wpiyw dodatni jest zwigzany z docenianiem kobiety jako rownorz? dnej partnerki seksualnej, W zakresie zycia malzenskiego m? zczyzni coraz cz? sciej traktuj^ kobiet? nie (iub nie tylko) jako partnerk? seksualn^, ktora ma im dostarczyc rozkoszy seksualnej, ale jako osob?, z ktorg. wspolnie ponosz^ ci? […]

How the IUD Works

Both the copper and the progestin in IUDs are effective in preventing fertilization. The ParaGard with copper seems to alter the tubal and uterine fluids, which affects the sperm and egg so fertilization does not occur. Mirena has effects similar to those of hormonal contraceptive methods such as the pill and Depo-Provera. It disrupts ovu­latory […]

The Limits of Economic Logic

Money mattered in the marriages I studied, but it was not the powerful “invisible hand” behind men who shared.3 For one thing, this is clear from the family portraits. Michael Sherman earned much more than Adrienne but his job didn’t matter more, and he shared the work at home. For years Ann Myerson earned more […]


Some people love to tell sex stories of incredible feats. And some people will believe anything…   TOP URBAN LEGENDS   %   for’pleasure’ has been destroyedand Casanova can put down hislibido to a natural talent and nothis pre-conquest dose of hotchocolate. Phenylethylamine,which provides feelings ofattraction, love and euphoria, isfound in chocolate. However, sadly, recentstudies […]