День: 10.11.2015

Will You Father My Child?

y life is not according to plan. I expected that after college, I would get a good job, find a great guy, fall in love, get married, and have 3 kids while establishing a reward­ing career—all before the age of 30. In the real world, I have a successful career that I truly enjoy; I’ve […]

Model psychohydrauliczny

W szerokim rozumieniu oraz w roznych dyscyplinach wiedzy, a zwlasz- cza w pedagogice, rozpowszechniony jest mode! psychohydrauliczny seksualnosci, ktory jednak nie znajduje lizasadnienia empirycznego. Zgodnie z nim seksualnosc jest traktowana jak swego rodzaju kociol wytwarzajqcy par?, przy czym procesy biologiczne lub bodzee wewn? trzne stwarzaj^ stale napi? cia seksualne. Napi? cia te sumujq si? і […]


A survey of the literature uncovered many books and articles examining gen­der in academia, most of which examined gender issues either at the institutional or the individual level. Institutional factors focused on structures, processes, and policies, or the way institutions, departments, and faculty collectively functioned. Individual factors focused on characteristics of faculty members themselves. Many […]


Cervical, vaginal, or endometrial abnormalities that prevent conception may be cor­rected surgically (Ruiz-Velasco et al., 1997). Scar tissue, cysts, tumors, or adhesions, as well as blockages inside the Fallopian tubes, may be surgically removed. The use of di­agnostic techniques such as laparoscopy (la-puh-RAH-ske-pee) and hysteroscopy (hiss-stare-oh-OSK-coe-pee) are also common. In men, surgery may be required […]


It is possible that at any one moment a society may contain a wide variety of forms of sexual perversion as I’ve defined it. Many such perversions are so obscure that they remain unknown and unknowable, if only because of the innocuousness of their practices. Still others occur with sufficient regularity that they become part […]


Like other kids he grew up with, Hank, a divorced forty-seven-year-old, began looking at Playboy regularly in his early teens. Although initially he didn’t consider it pornographic, it didn’t take long for Hank to make sexually provocative photos the focal point of his masturbation. At seventeen he had sex with a girl for the first […]

Fertility Drugs

As we discussed in Chapters 4 and 5, sperm production and ovulation are a result of a well-balanced endocrine system (pituitary, hypothalamus, and gonads). Some women and men have hormonal irregularities that may interfere with the process of ovulation or sperm production. Although we do not always know why these hormonal problems develop, many problems […]

Household Production

If households have gained notoriety as sites of consumption—waste­ful or otherwise—Americans commonly think of household produc­tion as a thing of the past. Perhaps Grandma and Grandpa ran a farm or a store, goes the thought, but now everyone travels elsewhere to produce. That idea rests on a mistaken equation of production with paid employment and/or […]