День: 10.11.2015

Assisted Reproductive Options

Problems with infertility and gay and lesbian couples’ desire to parent have given rise to artificial means of conception. Reproductive technologies that have been developed in the last few years enable some couples to have children even when one of them is in­fertile or they are the same gender. These technologies, although exciting, may also […]

Kids’ Consumption

If a household with children moves into a new house, buys a differ­ent kind of car, builds a swimming pool, purchases racing bicycles, buys a used air conditioner, or acquires the latest computer system, the children often play significant parts in the consumption decision and almost always alter their own daily activities and relations as […]

The Man’s Experience

An expectant father obviously does not experience the same physical sensations that a pregnant woman does (although occasionally a "pregnant father" reports psychosym­pathetic symptoms, such as the nausea or tiredness his partner is experiencing). How­ever, the experiences of pregnancy and birth are often profound for the father. What exactly does the "male pregnancy" involve? Like […]


Sex is dirty to the extent that erotic reality threatens to undermine the cosmic categories that organize the rest of social life. This is the source of the fears that surround sex, but also the source of its fascination. If sex did not disintegrate the cosmos to some extent, human beings would want to copulate […]

The Experience of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique and significant experience for both a woman and her partner. In the following pages, we look at the experience and the effect it has on the individuals and the couple. Many of the experiences are encountered by heterosexual and lesbian couples alike. In this section the heterosexual couple is used as […]

Concerns about Children

Cracks in a World View No matter what the origins of the parenting style of the professional middle — class parents with whom I spoke, those parents appear to doubt themselves more often than do the working-class and middle-class parents. Indeed, the latter sets of parents often seem quite confident about their child-rearing approach.6 The […]


Mitch didn’t think his life could get any better. He was a happily mar­ried man in his early fifties, with three teenage daughters who adored him, and a highly esteemed career as a high school teacher and coach. He served on education committees and boards. Students and parents praised him for his friendliness, talent, and […]