Almost every culture places a great deal of importance on the ability to have children. Rice was originally thrown at couples after marriage, in fact, because onlookers hoped that the great fertility of the rice plant would be transferred to the married couple. The same is true of the baby’s breath plant, which was traditionally […]
День: 10.11.2015
Face-Time Matters
Workplace expert Tory Johnson, CEO of Women for Hire, says some in-person time is important to many employers. “I do think that there are benefits for all of our careers and for our personal growth and development to have access to meetings,” she explains. “You get a chance to demonstrate your skills and your knowledge […]
The Abortion Controversy
Elective abortion continues to be a highly controversial political issue in the United States and many other countries (Kulczycki, 2011). Beliefs regarding the beginning of life, women’s right to reproductive choice, and the role of government influence the stand individuals take regarding elective termination of pregnancy. Abortion: Historical Overview Laws regulating abortion have changed over […]
First Research Question • Does the e-dating process consist of distinct steps that are characterized by different behaviors? As indicated in the previous sections, the steps or stages in the e-dating process include: (1) constructing a profile, (2) searching, (3) initiating communication, (4) receiving communication, (5) setting face-to-face dates, (6) conducting dates, and (7) concluding […]
What was the impact of the making of sex hormones on the conceptualization of sex differences? To answer this question I have to highlight another function of research materials. Not only did the availability of research materials have an impact on the interrelationship between the groups involved in research on sex hormones, but also research […]
Illegal Abortions
An estimated 21.6 million unsafe abortions occur yearly, resulting in 47,000 deaths and millions of women left with serious health problems and infertility (Guttmacher Institute, 2012a). More than 95% of abortions in Africa and Latin America are performed under unsafe conditions. Desperate to end unwanted pregnancies, women attempt to self-induce abortions by drinking turpentine, bleach, […]
Previous Research on Factors Contributing to. Gender Differences Among Faculty
This appendix describes research on women in academic science engineering that provided a framework for the development of the 2004 and 2005 faculty and departmental surveys. Drawing primarily on studies conducted by individual institutions and the analyses of individual researchers, the research results suggested several possible reasons why women continued to represent a small segment […]
Men and safe sex
Even if condoms are now more widely referred to and also used, in particular in the urban contexts, interviews also clearly demonstrate that when a man has had intercourse with a new partner a few times, that person is no longer a stranger, and condom use is stopped. It is a well-known fact that it […]
Domestic Violence, Men’s Groups and the Equivalence Argument
Felicity Kaganas Introduction Feminism and feminist activists have made their mark when it comes to domestic violence. It is largely through feminist efforts that men’s violence to women has become visible and that domestic violence is now seen as a serious social problem.[475] Since the days of the 1970s, when the Chiswick women’s refuge was […]
Threatening Sanctions, Adding Legislative Assistance
As the NGOs were deepening their focus on trafficking, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was quietly participating in various high-level diplomatic meetings on trafficking, such as through the OSCE. This international attention led this ministry to be “the first government structure to know about this problem” and Russia to sign the U. N. Trafficking […]