День: 10.11.2015

Conception: The Incredible Journey

Our bodies are biologically programmed to help pregnancy occur in many different ways. For instance, a woman’s sexual desire is usually at its peak during her ovulation and just prior to her menstruation (Wilcox et al., 2004). During ovulation, a mucus plug in the cervix disappears, making it easier for sperm to enter the uterus, […]

Descriptive and Predictive Literature on E-Dating

More recent publications have attempted to go beyond the prescriptive by offering a more scien­tific methodology for data collection and analysis of e-dating research, with some attempts to offer theoretical models that describe, explain, interpret, and predict e-dating behaviors. The following discussion presents three of the most important approaches to the scientific study of e-dating.

Hitting Bottom

Pornography gives you a false sense of pleasure. It feels good for the moment and then it just takes you down. —Rob W hat happens when a person continues to have an ongoing sexual relationship with porn in spite of the problems and dangers that come with it? For some porn users, the answer is […]

Class Differences

If working wives are the modern-day urbanizing peasant, then there are important differences between some “peasants” and oth­ers. In addition to the split between housewives and working women, this social revolution also widens a second split among women—between the women who do jobs that pay enough to pay a baby-sitter and the women who baby-sit […]

Benjamin’s Argument

Freudian pyschoanalytic theory views the acquisition of ego identity as a project which is initiated at birth and realized in the context of a never completely resolved conflict between the needs for attachment to and separa­tion from the original and compelling power of the infant-mother bond. Freud’s account posits an infant whose self-identity is initially […]

Procedures for Abortion

Several different abortion procedures are used at different stages of pregnancy. In the United States, 62% of legal abortions occur within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, and 92% of abortions are done in the first 12 weeks (Mugge, 2011). Early abortion is very safe. The risk of dying from a surgical abortion is 0.1 […]


When the American Psychiatric Association (APA) decided in 1973 to remove homo­sexuality from its list of official mental diseases, many psychiatrists were outraged. They demanded a vote of the full APA membership. Think about that. Is that how questions of science should be decided—by a vote? But the whole question of homosexuality had become so […]