Where does the notion that sexuality holds the key to later life well-being come from? A fundamental change has occurred in public health discourse in the past twenty years with the acknowledgment that sexual health is essential to overall health and well-being (Coleman 2010: 135). This development is linked to transformations in the concerns of […]
День: 10.11.2015
The Taiwanese Fix and the Penile Pricking Ring
Creative Approaches to Impotence a man having penis surgery is the opposite of a man in a fig leaf He is concealed face-to-feet in surgical sheets, with only his penis on view. It appears in a small, square cutout in the fabric, spotlit by surgical lamps. To lie completely naked would preserve more modesty, for […]
Conception: The Incredible Journey
Our bodies are biologically programmed to help pregnancy occur in many different ways. For instance, a woman’s sexual desire is usually at its peak during her ovulation and just prior to her menstruation (Wilcox et al., 2004). During ovulation, a mucus plug in the cervix disappears, making it easier for sperm to enter the uterus, […]
Descriptive and Predictive Literature on E-Dating
More recent publications have attempted to go beyond the prescriptive by offering a more scientific methodology for data collection and analysis of e-dating research, with some attempts to offer theoretical models that describe, explain, interpret, and predict e-dating behaviors. The following discussion presents three of the most important approaches to the scientific study of e-dating.
Hitting Bottom
Pornography gives you a false sense of pleasure. It feels good for the moment and then it just takes you down. —Rob W hat happens when a person continues to have an ongoing sexual relationship with porn in spite of the problems and dangers that come with it? For some porn users, the answer is […]
Class Differences
If working wives are the modern-day urbanizing peasant, then there are important differences between some “peasants” and others. In addition to the split between housewives and working women, this social revolution also widens a second split among women—between the women who do jobs that pay enough to pay a baby-sitter and the women who baby-sit […]
Health Effects for Adolescent Girls
The fundamental dilemma conveyed to adolescent girls is that if they develop their own autonomy and agency—and thus refuse to participate in the quest for beauty—they may risk their social acceptance and eventually jeopardize future social roles as wives and mothers. In general, these roles depend on the affirmation of a man who finds them […]
Benjamin’s Argument
Freudian pyschoanalytic theory views the acquisition of ego identity as a project which is initiated at birth and realized in the context of a never completely resolved conflict between the needs for attachment to and separation from the original and compelling power of the infant-mother bond. Freud’s account posits an infant whose self-identity is initially […]
Procedures for Abortion
Several different abortion procedures are used at different stages of pregnancy. In the United States, 62% of legal abortions occur within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, and 92% of abortions are done in the first 12 weeks (Mugge, 2011). Early abortion is very safe. The risk of dying from a surgical abortion is 0.1 […]
When the American Psychiatric Association (APA) decided in 1973 to remove homosexuality from its list of official mental diseases, many psychiatrists were outraged. They demanded a vote of the full APA membership. Think about that. Is that how questions of science should be decided—by a vote? But the whole question of homosexuality had become so […]