День: 12.11.2015


For many in love the symptoms are bearable, as sickening for devoted bliss can be its own remedy. But, according to recent reports, the consequences of stress from emotional extremes — lack of concentration, no appetite and no sleep — suggest being in love can be too intense to handle, while those whose love is […]

Sexual Aversion

Unlike HSD, in which a person might be able to engage in sexual activity even though he or she has little or no desire to do so, a person with a sexual aversion reacts with strong disgust or fear to a sexual interaction. Men and women with sexual aversion seek to avoid any genital contact, […]


Vaginismus (vah-juh-NIZ-mus) is characterized by strong involuntary contractions of the muscles in the outer third of the vagina. These contractions make attempts to insert a penis into the vagina extremely uncomfortable or painful for a woman. The painful contractions of vaginismus are a conditioned, involuntary response, usually preceded by a history of painful intercourse (Van […]

Treating Hypoactive Sexual Desire

Treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder depends on many factors, including the individual and his or her relationship. Sex and marital therapy have both been found to be effective, although they may not be as effective in couples experiencing relationship discrepancy in desire Differences in levels of sexual desire in a couple. difficulties on top […]

. Treating Sexual Dysfunction in Other Cultures

Psychological causes for HSD may include a lack of attraction to one’s partner, fear of intimacy and/or pregnancy, marital or relationship conflicts, religious concerns, de­pression, and other psychological disorders. HSD can also result from negative messages about female sexuality while growing up, treating sex as a chore, a concern over loss of control, or a […]

Dyspareunia in Women

The new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association has relabeled pain with partial vaginal entry, during intercourse, and after intercourse as Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder. It is common among women, and many who experience pain have done so since their first intercourse experience (Coady & Fish, 2011; Donaldson & Meana, 2011). When it […]

Hypoactive Sexual Desire

When someone has hypoactive sexual desire (HSD), there are diminished or absent feel­ings of sexual interest in, or desire for, sexual activity (Heiman, 2002). However, a per­son with a HSD can still function sexually even though he or she often does not feel in­terested in sex. Studies have found that 33% of women and 16% […]

Getting older

As the years go by most men notice that they sometimes have trouble in achieving an erection or maintaining it for long enough. Some con­clude that this means they are finished as sexual beings, that they have reached the ‘penopause’. Understandable, if one knows that many of them were brought up with the idea that […]


The DSM-IV-TR has two categories of sexual desire disorders, hypoactive sexual desire (HSD) and sexual aversion. Although there appear to be fewer cases of male hypoac­tive sexual desire than female, these lower reports may be because men feel less com­fortable discussing the problem. Although there are no overall statistics available for prevalence of sexual aversion, […]

Treating Dysfunctions

Treatment of most sexual dysfunctions begins with a medical history and workup to identify any physiological causes. In addition to a medical history and exam, it is also im­portant to evaluate any past sexual trauma or abuse that may cause or contribute to the dysfunction. After identifying causes for a sexual dysfunction, the next step […]