День: 12.11.2015


Lurking in the shadows of this discourse about lone mothers and the underclass is an issue that we believe must be addressed head on: the issue of human agency, or in this instance, specifically, women’s agency. Right-wing ideologues, conservative politicians and anti­feminists lay much of the blame for the perpetuation of the underclass through lone […]

Psychofizjologia pobudzen seksualnych

Intensywnosc powstajqcych pobudzen emocjonalno-seksualnych zalezy od sily і rodzaju dzialaj^cego bodzea, od cz? stotliwosci jego dzialania oraz od fizjologicznego stanu organizmu, na ktory bodziec dziafa. Pobudzenie seksuaine powstaje tym silniejsze, im silniejszy jest bodziec seksual­ny, a jego rodzaj najbardziej odpowiada upodobaniom seksualnym czlowieka, czyli tzw. szyfrom seksualnym. Sila napi? cia pobudzenia seksualnego zalezy od cz? […]

Take Womenomics with You

As you head off into work-life bliss, we want to give you a final bit of news you can literally use—at any moment. Here’s a Womenomics cheat sheet you can cut out and keep in your wallet and pull out whenever you need to remind yourself how you can finally get what you want. If […]

Male Orgasmic Disorder

The term male orgasmic disorder, also referred to as inhibited ejaculation, generally refers to the inability of a man to ejaculate during sexual activity with a partner (Sand — strom & Fugl-Meyer, 2007). Masturbation is most often the preferred method for men with male orgasmic disorder to experience orgasm (Robbins-Cherry et al., 2011). Eight percent […]

Female Orgasm During Intercourse

Most sex therapists believe that women who enjoy intercourse and experience orgasm in some way other than during coitus do not have a sexual problem (Hamilton, 2002; LoPiccolo, 2000). Many more women experience orgasm from masturbation, manual stimulation by a partner, and oral sex than women who experience it during inter­course (Fugl-Meyer et al., 2006). […]

Beyond the linguistic turn

‘Masculine’ and ‘feminine’ are not clear and fixed opposing identities based on biological sex but shifting categories, defined in relationship to each other, that order social relations. To think thus is to contemplate the possibilities and promise of causing ‘gender trouble’ (Butler, 1990). Sex/gender may bring us into being as individuals of whom others can […]


Feminists argue that to a large extent what appear to be gender dif­ferences in personal style and interpersonal relations may be explained largely on the basis of differences in status or power that are embedded in gender (Hyde, 1995; Unger & Crawford, 1996). For example, experimental studies have demonstrated that what is colloquially understood as […]

Years Between Starting Employment and Achieving Full. Professor Status, by Gender

Percentage breakdown of the number of years between full professor rank achieved and first faculty or instructional staff by gender, for full-time faculty at Research I institutions with instructional duties for credit, teaching biology, physi­cal sciences, engineering, mathematics or computer science, fall 2003. Years Between Achieved Full Professor and First Started Employment at Postsecondary Institution […]


What people take for granted and what they negotiate in their in­teractions, as well as how they perceive their interaction outcomes, has been the subject of considerable study in social psychology. Women and men may interact with each other and perceive that interaction quite dif­ferently. For example, in interviews with married couples, Jessie Bernard (1972) […]