Percentage breakdown of the number of years between associate professor rank achieved and first faculty or instructional staff by gender, for full-time faculty at Research I institutions with instructional duties for credit, teaching biology, physical sciences, engineering, mathematics or computer science, fall 2003. Years Between Achieved Associate Professor and First Started Employment at Postsecondary Institution […]
День: 12.11.2015
Having an Abortion: Stacy’s Story
y boyfriend, Jeff, and I had been sexually active for about two years and were using /v (s condoms for protection. However, one night after a party, we had been drinking and forgot to use a rubber About three weeks later, my period was late. . . . When I found out my pregnancy test […]
Knowledge of Tenure Procedures by Gender, Rank, and. Presence of a Mentor
Presence of a Mentor by Gender and Rank Rank Gender Men Women Professor 19 (279) 28(233) Associate professor 55 (194) 93 (255) Assistant professor 108(208) 142 (235) NOTES: Sample sizes are in parentheses. For example, of 279 respondents, 19 male full professors stated that they had a mentor at some point in their careers. SOURCE: […]
Amsterdam’s red light district, famous as a sexual destination since the 14th century, is also home to the Venus Temple sex museum. Open since 1985, a satyr with an erection welcomes visitors to an exhibition of artefacts, including an ancient stone phallus and an iron chastity belt. In New York, the Fifth Avenue Sex Museum […]
Desire-Phase Difficulties
In this section, we discuss inhibited sexual desire, desire discrepancy, and sexual aversion. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is the absence or minimal experience of sexual thoughts, fantasies, and interest prior to sexual activity, as well as a lack of sexual desire during the sexual experience (Basson et al., 2004). Until […]
Consumption of Japanese AVs in Taiwan
Taiwanese men and women display entirely different patterns in terms of their preference for pornography. Elsewhere, we have explored these differences (Wong and Yau 2012; Wong and Yau 2014), here we simply wish to point out that Taiwanese men tend to prefer Japanese AVs over American pornography. The narrative structure of typical bishojo AVs, according […]
Specific Sexual Difficulties
In this section, we consider some of the specific problems that people encounter with desire, excitement, orgasm, and pain during intercourse. In reality, the line between “normal” and a “disorder” is not clearly defined in clinical practice (Althof et al., 2005). For example, how many times would a man need to have difficulty with his […]
Reactions to Abortion
In the late 1980s, President Ronald Reagan asked Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop to prepare a report on the physical aftereffects of women who have undergone elective abortions. The Surgeon General reported that scientific studies had documented that physiological health consequences—including infertility, incompetent cervix, miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight—are no more frequent […]
Women, race and class
It might now be possible, due to their greater presence in the paid workforce, to categorize most women’s class on the basis of their occupation as individuals. However, to do this would be to ignore the effects that their gender has on the wages and status accorded to women’s paid work. In addition such an […]
Second-Trimester Surgical Abortion
Although 88% of abortions are done in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, approximately 11% occur during the second trimester (Elam-Evans et al., 2002). There may be several reasons for this, including medical complications, fetal deformities that were not revealed earlier, divorce or marital problems, miscalculation of date of last menstrual period, financial or geographic […]