We have to point out that the popularity of Japanese AVs in Taiwan has much to do with the local sexual culture. In our recent joint paper (Wong and Yau 2011), we demonstrated that so-called sexual subjectivities in Taiwan are discursively constituted and thus cultural, although they appear to be ‘real’ and thus universal to […]
День: 12.11.2015
Although a spouse can die during the early — or middle-adult years, widowhood usually occurs later in life. In most heterosexual couples the man dies first, a tendency that became more pronounced during the 20 th century. There are more than four widows for every widower (U. S. Census Bureau, 2002). Older men without partners […]
Thus far our analysis of why the 1990s has seen such widespread concern about lone mothers has focused on the moral panic that erupted over the issue of juvenile crime and the targeting of lone mothers as part of the ideologically and fiscally motivated restructuring of the British welfare state. Both of these elements are […]
The influence of Christopher Lasch
Christopher Lasch cuts a curious figure in the contemporary sociological landscape. His work of 1979, The Culture of Narcissism, propelled the debates about the cultural malaise to a new climax, and gave intellectual weight to the key Zeitgeist concerns being captured in slogans of ‘me-ism’. The Culture of Narcissism is a sweeping study of the […]
Last Love
People who continue to grow in age can develop a wholeness of self that transcends the limited roles and life experience of youth. Intimacy can then involve a sharing of that integrated multidimensional self (Friedan, 1994; Wales & Todd, 2001). A sex and marital therapist further explains: The essence of sexual intimacy lies not in […]
How Far Do These Lessons Go?
Is this book’s account of how intimacy and economic transactions mingle an American contemporary story, the peculiar outcome of a money-driven U. S. culture? After all, it does focus on U. S. practices and law, most often during the past half-century. Certainly, the modern monetization of economic life has marked profound differences in our experiences […]
SUZANNE B. KURTH, BETHANY B. SPILLER, AND CHERYL BROWN TRAVIS We argue, along with other authors in this section, that women’s sexuality is one of the arenas in which cultural beliefs about women and mandates for women’s behavior permit men to exercise power over them without their consent.1 An interesting feature of one form of […]
Our analysis of the use of online matrimonial services for arranged marriages reveals the possibilities created by technology and how they are appropriated by users. To many, the change may appear to be glacial in pace, but against the backdrop of a society that has a history and traditions dating back several millennia, they show […]
The Prescription-Strength Vibrator
Masturbating for Health * I f you call the offices of NuGyn, in Spring Lake Park, Minnesota, there is a good chance you will get Curt Olson on the phone. Olson is not a receptionist. He is the coinventor of the Eros Clitoral Therapy Device. He answers the phone because it’s a small company and […]
Homosexual Relationships in Later Years
Although most of the challenges and rewards of aging are experienced by adults regardless of sexual orientation, gay men and lesbians experience some unique aspects. Some gay men and lesbians are better prepared for coping with the adjustments of aging than are many heterosexual men and women. Facing the adversities of belonging to a stigmatized […]