День: 12.11.2015


At the center of Jurgen Habermas’s account of the development of self-iden­tity is the capacity to question and criticize conventions. This requires a capac­ity to conceptually abstract from given contexts through an appeal to principles. And this capacity is learned through the internalization of social and linguistic norms. For Habermas, the development of self-identity is […]

. An Illegal Abortion

strictions for women who choose to have an abortion. The most common restrictions in­clude waiting periods, mandatory counseling, parental involvement requirements, and public funding limitations. In July 1994, the Supreme Court upheld a decision (Madison v. Women’s Health Center, Inc.) barring antiabortion demonstrators from getting within 36 feet of an abor­tion clinic. This ruling was […]


‘It’s been so long since I made love,l can’t even remember who gets tied up.’Joan Rivers THE EVE CLUB In the 1960s, the Eve club in Soho was one of the few places in town where you could see an erotic floor show. This featured ‘the most beautiful showgirls in London’, although full nudity was […]

Factors in Maintaining Sexual Activity

Aging does affect the number of people who engage in sexual activity, and the percentage of sexually active adults does decline with each decade (Doskoch, 2011), as shown in ■ Table 13.3. What factors contribute to remaining sexually active in later years? Research has consistently revealed a close correlation between the level of a person’s […]

Sexual Activity in Later Years

We have seen that our society tends to perceive the older years as a time when sexuality no longer has a place in people’s lives. What does research show about the reality of sexuality among older peo­ple in our own society? For many older adults sexuality is part of what makes their lives full and […]

Ways of Seeing

Initially we contacted couples by distributing a short questionnaire on work and family life to every thirteenth name drawn from the personnel list of a large corporation. Fifty-three percent returned the questionnaire. At the end of this short questionnaire we explained what we were inter­ested in and asked if respondents would be willing to volunteer […]

Historical Perspectives

Abortion has been practiced in many societies throughout history; in fact, there are few large-scale societies in which it has not been practiced (see Chapter 1). Aristotle argued that abortion was necessary as a backup to contraception. He believed that a fetus was not alive until certain organs had been formed; for males, at 40 […]

Spreading the Word

Young’s 1959 paper electrified scientists interested in hormones and behavior. By the mid — 1960s the research literature was filled with articles validating the O/A hypothesis in rats, hamsters, mice, and monkeys. The hypothesis had become a theory and then a concept.103 And as a concept, it extended well beyond coital behaviors. As the years […]