There are several common vaginal infections that may also be associated with sexual intercourse, including trichomoniasis, hemophilus, bacterial vaginosis, and candidiasis. All of these may cause a vaginal discharge, vulvar itching, and irritation and/or vaginal odor. Trichomoniasis (trick-oh-mun-NYE-iss-sis; also called trich, or TV) is a form of vaginitis that is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Women […]
День: 13.11.2015
. “What Would You Do if Your Partner Told You He or She Had an STI?”
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005d). However, this bacterial infection is underreported, and many clinics do not have screening kits. The majority of cases diagnosed in the United States involve a person who has traveled to a country where the disease is more common. Chancroid is one of the most prevalent STIs in many […]
Chlamydia and Nongonococcal Urethritis
Chlamydia is the common name for infections caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis. Risk factors for chlamydia are similar to those for other STIs and include multiple sexual partners, a partner who has had multiple sexual partners, being under age 25, inconsistent use of barrier contraceptives (such as condoms), and a history of STIs. […]
The Lost Children of Rockdale County
n 1996, in a small suburb of Atlanta, a school nurse reported an increasing number of teenagers who were infected with syphilis. This was a strange occurrence because, as you may recall, experts had predicted that syphilis was on its way to virtual elimination in the United States. The number of teenagers testing positive for […]
Gonorrhea (the “clap” or “drip”) is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which can survive only in the mucous membranes of the body. These areas, such as the cervix, urethra, mouth, throat, rectum, and even the eyes, provide moisture and warmth that help the bacterium survive. Neisseria gonorrhoeae is actually very fragile and can be […]
Understand Your Partner’s Experience
Once you have started to rebuild a foundation of trust, the next step in healing is to better understand what your partner has personally gone through as a result of the porn problem. This step involves the recovering porn user sharing important details about his involvement with porn as well as his recovery efforts, and […]
Scabies is an ectoparasitic infection of the skin with the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. It is spread during skin-to-skin contact, both during sexual and nonsexual contact. The mites can live for up to 48 hours on bedsheets and clothing and are impossible to see with the naked eye. Incidence Infection with scabies occurs worldwide and among […]
Ectoparasitic Infections: Pubic Lice and Scabies
Ectoparasitic infections are those that are caused by parasites that live on the skin’s surface. The two ectoparasitic infections that are sexually transmitted are pubic lice and scabies. Pubic Lice Pubic lice (or “crabs”) are a parasitic STI; the lice are very small, wingless insects that can attach themselves to pubic hair with their claws. […]
Stymuiacja seksualna a reakcja cielesna
Przebieg podniecenia seksualnego u m? zczyzn ma tylko jeden wzor. Oznacza to, ze reakcje seksualne wyst? pujqce u wszystkich m? zczyzn s^ do siebie podobne — niezaleznie od rodzaju, przebiegu і nat? zenia bodzcow seksualnych. Reakcje seksualne m? zczyzny maj^ wi? c charakter bardziej repetywny niz informa — cyjny, tj. nie dostarczaj^ one informacji о […]
Illegitimate Use of Power
Individuals may misuse the formal organizational power they have over subordinates, but act as if what happened was an incident of negotiated interpersonal power. Recognition of sexual harassment as an illegitimate use of power reflects the questioning of rights accorded to privileged men, and even less privileged men, in a society with patriarchal structures. Those […]