День: 13.11.2015

Health circumcision

In 1870 an American orthopaedic surgeon launched the notion that a whole range of ailments, rheumatism, asthma, kidney infections, bed­wetting, alcoholism, sterility and venereal disease, could be cured by circumcision. Sayre, the surgeon concerned, was acclaimed as the ‘Columbus of the foreskin’. At the beginning of the twentieth century an American magazine hypothesized that the […]

Sexual Objects

Women should strive to be desirable sexual objects and take respon­sibility for being treated as sexual objects. Women who subscribe to a traditional feminine script may find it difficult to confront more powerful men who make comments about their bodies or inappropriately touch them. They are not able to counter the argument that a woman […]


How Modern Sex Therapy Can Clash With Cultural Values Cultural beliefs influence sexual practices, the perception of sexual problems, and modes of treatment. For example, in much of the Middle East the marital sexual rela­tionship is based primarily on the two dimensions of male sexual potency and couple fertility. For both men and women, only […]

Sensate Focus

One of the most useful couple-oriented activities for enhancing mutual sexual enjoy­ment is a series of touching exercises called sensate focus (I Figure 14.3). Masters and Johnson developed the technique of sensate focus to use as a basic step in treating sexual problems. Sensate focus can help to reduce anxiety caused by goal orientation and […]


Following the Tupperware and Avon models but much racier, pole dancing parties became the USA’s first big fitness and health craze of the 21st century, giving women the chance to ‘refind their inner sex kitten’ and burn up calories in a G-string, while ensuring their men no longer needed to go out for erotic entertainment. […]


One of the primary benefits of sex therapy—whether the immediate goal is learning to have orgasms with partners, overcoming premature ejaculation, or solving almost any other problem—is that partners participating together in the treatment often develop more effective communication skills. This quotation from our files illustrates how important communication can be in solving sexual difficulties: […]


Physical and emotional self-awareness and self-expression are crucial elements in satisfy­ing sexual experiences (Morehouse, 2001; Schwartz, 2003). A good way to increase self­awareness and comfort with our sexuality is to become well acquainted with our sexual anatomy, as described in Chapters 3 and 4. Experimenting with masturbation is also an effective way for both men […]

Physical Aggression

Men may make women the recipients of unwanted brushes, pinches, and kisses to establish their masculinity or as their prerogative. In far too many movies, women are depicted as responding positively to men who put them in their place through physical aggression. Male politicians such as Senator Robert Packwood, who in 1995 resigned from the […]