The various self-help and sex therapy suggestions offered in the following sections have proved helpful to many people in enhancing sexual relationships or resolving sexual problems (Van Lankveld, 2009). However, the same techniques do not work for everyone, and exercises often need to be individually modified. Furthermore, professional help may be called for when individual […]
День: 13.11.2015
When scientists took up the testing of hormones as contraceptives in the early 1950s, it was not an entirely new topic on their research agenda. The possible use of hormones as agents to control fertility was mentioned as early as the 1920s. The first publication mentioning hormonal contraceptives can be traced back to Austria. In […]
Punishing girls
Ofsted has recently completed a report, Girls in Prison, which is a survey of female juveniles completing detention and training orders, conducted between October 2002 and April 2003 at three secure establishments.[764] Because the second half of a detention and training order is spent on supervision in the community, the findings cover the experiences of […]
Mechaitizm wprawy
Bodzce seksualne wywoluj^ najsilniejsze stany napi? cia emocjonalno — — seksualnego nie wtedy, gdy dzialaj^ po raz pierwszy, lecz przy nast? pnych powtorzeniach, gdy organizm osi^ga pewn$ wpraw? w reagowaniu na nie, gdy si? ich nauczy і w nich „rozsmakuje”. Oczywiscie nie mogq one dzialac w zbyt krotkich odst? pach czasu, gdyz wtedy dzialanie to […]
Sexual Orientation
Another reason that a woman or man experiences sexual dissatisfaction or has sexual problems in a heterosexual relationship can be a desire to be involved with individuals of the same sex (Althof, 2000). Although much progress has been made in establishing gay rights, following one’s homosexual orientation still involves facing significant societal disapproval, if not […]
Marking Territory
They may stake out (or defend) their territory by telling sexually explicit jokes or by putting up pornographic materials (hostile working environment). Tokens may be tolerated, but when real change appears to be occurring, resistance may emerge. One hypothesis in the social sciences is that as contact increases between groups, understanding may increase. Harlan and […]
Preventing Future Relapses
Whether you’ve relapsed in the past or not, it is important to develop strategies for preventing future relapses. Your recovery will have a much greater chance of success when you can identify that you are approaching or have just entered Trigger Territory, and you have reliable methods in place for
Shifting Your Attention
A simple sensory awareness exercise can help you shift your attention away from what you’ve been thinking about and on to something else in your environment. Begin by saying the phrase, "Now I’m aware of. . . ," and then complete it by stating something you see in your environment. For example, "Now I’m aware […]
How to Reverse a Relapse
Unfortunately, there are no external warnings and alarms—no sirens or red lights—to tell you when you’re heading into the Relapse Zone. As a result, you may not become aware that you are relapsing until you are already thinking about using porn, in sensory contact with it, or actively involved with it. Regardless of where you […]
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) involves a breakdown of the myelin sheath that protects all nerve fibers, and it can be manifested in a variety of symptoms, such as dizziness, weakness, blurred or double vision, muscle spasms, spasticity, and loss of control of limbs and muscles. Symptoms can come and go without warning, but MS is progressive […]