День: 14.11.2015


УУ HEN she was a girl, laura and her friends rode their horses through the Pennsylvania countryside, rode Western and bareback, rode through woods and cornfields. The woods seemed to belong to no one. The cornfields churned around them like windswept lakes. They galloped through the afternoons till it was time for dinner. Her father […]


To develop strategies for preventing sexual harassment, we must con­sider the links between sexual scripts and the dimensions underlying ha­rassing behavior (consent, and power). Some women in corporations pur­sue individual solutions—trying to appear feminine enough to conform to others’ expectations of how women should behave and still be professional enough to be seen as appropriate […]

Business Workplaces

Traditionally, in business organizations men performed the tasks as­sociated with the prevailing male sexual script by initiating and dominat­ing, whereas women engaged in supportive tasks and passively awaited as­signments. The expectations for women as office wives have for some incorporated acting sexy, perhaps exemplifying sex-role spillover (Gutek, 1985). Some men want young women working for […]

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

The use of a combination of three or more drugs to combat HIV has come to be known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Most clinicians commence treat­ment of HIV/AIDS with a combination of various RT and PI drugs. The availability of new antiretroviral drugs, including drugs in new classes, requires clinicians to constantly update […]

Describing the Paraphilias

Paraphilias have been grouped into a number of major categories by researchers and clin­icians. We will review some of the more common types of paraphilias, including: fetishism; sadism and masochism; exhibitionism and voyeurism; transvestic fetishism; and pedophilia. Fetishism A fetish is an inanimate object or a body part not usually associated with the sex act […]

Sociological Theories

Another way of looking at the causes of paraphilias is to examine the ways society en­courages certain behaviors. Feminists, for example, argue that in societies that treat women as sexual objects anyway, it is a natural development to replace the woman with another, inanimate sexual object. When men and their sexual organs are glorified, some […]

Hierarchical Arrangements

In military organizations personnel are expected to follow orders and are dependent on those above them for positive ratings for career advance­ment. Problems may result from men being unwilling to take orders from women because of the belief that women should be submissive not men. Other men may illegitimately use their organizational power to sexualize […]

Azoospermia and Sertoli cell only

When investigating infertility one regularly encounters azoospermia, the condition where no sperm cells at all are present in the ejaculate. The number of new cases per year in the Netherlands is estimated at 300 to 400, of which two-thirds are caused by abnormalities in the production of sperm cells and about a third by a […]