День: 14.11.2015

Dna diagnosis

In recent years dna diagnosis has become a rapidly developing field: more and more syndromes are being shown to be genetically deter­mined and in a number of diseases it has become clear that a small part of the chromosome, the gene, is not functioning properly. An example of this is cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder […]

Behavioral Theories

Behaviorists suggest that paraphilias develop because some behavior becomes associated with sexual pleasure through conditioning (G. D. Wilson, 1987). For example, imagine that a boy gets an enema. While receiving it, the boy has an erection, either by coinci­dence or because he finds the stimulus of the enema pleasurable (it becomes a rein­forcement). Later, remembering […]


Monogamous relationships may appear to be a relatively modern idea, but anthropologists suggest couples were feeling the urge and getting together on a long-term basis many years ago. ‘Marriage is miserable unless you find the right person that is yoursoulmate — and that takes a lot of looking.’ Marvin Gaye‘Don’t you know that a man […]

Developmental Theories

Freud suggested that children are polymorphously perverse; that is, at birth we have a general erotic potential that can be attached to almost anything. We learn from an early age what sexual objects society deems appropriate for us to desire, but society’s messages can get off track. For example, advertising tries to “sexualize” its products—we […]

Impersonal narcissism

The contemporary theorist Leo Bersani has made the prospect of narcis­sism as an aesthetic social principle central to his work. In his seminal text The Culture of Redemption (1990), he locates the ‘aesthetic of narcis­sism’ as pivotal to his development of a ‘general ethical-erotic project’, identifying in Freud’s 1914 essay the possibility of reading narcissism […]

Psychoanalytic Theory

Psychoanalytic thought suggests that paraphilias can be traced back to the difficult time the infant has in negotiating his way through the Oedipal crisis and castration anxiety. This can explain why paraphilias are more common among men because both boys and girls identify strongly with their mothers, but girls can continue that identification, whereas boys […]


No cure currently exists for HIV/AIDS. However, thousands of scientists are involved in an unprecedented worldwide effort to ultimately cure and/or prevent this horrific disease. This war is being waged on several fronts, including attempts to develop effec­tive antiretroviral drugs that will kill or at least neutralize HIV and efforts to create a vaccine effective […]

Male Dominance

Military service may represent the essence of the male role for some men. Women may be perceived as the enemy invading sacred male territory who consequently deserve to be punished. When women enter into gender — integrated basic training units, their ability to successfully complete the training may be threatening to those for whom the […]

What Would Allah Say?

The Strange, Brave Career of Ahmed Shafik d r. Ahmed Shafik wears three-piece suits with gold watch fobs and a diamond stick pin in the lapel. His glasses are the thick, black rectangular style of the Nasser era. He owns a Cairo hospital and lives in a mansion with marble walls. He was nominated for […]

Development of AIDS

As HIV continues to proliferate and invade healthy cells in an infected person’s body, the immune system loses its capacity to defend the body against opportunistic infec­tions. The incubation period for AIDS (i. e., the time between HIV infection and the onset of one or more severe, debilitating diseases associated with extreme impairment of the […]