День: 15.11.2015

Seksuologia і seksiatria a medycyna

Historia medycyny wskazuje na to, ze istniej^ca w kazdym etapie rozwoju tej nauki medycyna klasyczna przewaznie dose aktywnie przeciwstawiala si? rozwojowi, uznaniu oraz usamodztelmeniu si? nowych jej dyscyplin: chirurgii, ginekologii (przed niespelna 200 laty), psychiatrii (przed ok. 100 laty) і innych, pragn^c zachowac status quo. W przypadku seksuologii і seksiatrii opory te sq dodatkowo wzmocnione […]

The Legal System

Because the law defines rape as a crime, it is important to examine historical legal definitions and past and contemporary legal processes as they relate to sexual assault. Historically, the law conceptualized rape as the violation of a man’s property. It was a man’s, specifically a husband’s or a partner’s, personal privilege to have access […]

Feminist Legal Studies and the Subject(s) of Men: Questions of Text, Terrain and Context in the Politics of Family Law and Gender

Richard Collier Introduction Within feminist legal scholarship in the field of family law, a critical engagement with the gender of men approached via recourse to the concept of masculinity/ies is a now well-established theme.[999] In recent years, in particular, it has become commonplace within literary and hermeneutic projects informed by the ‘post­modern frame’[1000] to find […]

Sexual Images and Selling Sex

Erotic Representations in History The Development of Pornography Sexuality in the Media and the Arts Erotic Literature: The Power of the Press Television and Film: Stereotypes, Sex, and the Decency Issue ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE Generation M ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE How Do Movies Rate? Advertising: Sex Sells and Sells Other Media: Music […]


As a remedy against the temptations of the flesh the Buddhists devised a meditation in which they imagined woman’s body as a bag of filth. Medieval ascetics viewed woman as ‘a temple built above a sewer’, and St Augustine said: ‘Woman is the gate of hell.’ If one takes these words literally many men have […]

Historical Messages

Several factors have contributed to the present-day sexual script. These include historically rooted messages about women as property and racist and classist assumptions about sexuality. In the colonial period, a woman’s sexual purity was crucial to her ability to attract a spouse. Therefore, her value within society often was measured by her ability to marry […]

Modern views

By the way, the above stories are certainly not meant to imply that masturbation is an unhealthy form of sex. On the contrary, modern sexologists see it as a form of sperm quality control: in that way it can never become old and over-ripe. Truman Capote said the interesting thing about masturbation was that he […]

Preventing Sexual Harassment

The first step in reducing the incidence of sexual harassment is to acknowledge the prob­lem. Too many people deny its existence. Because sexual harassers usually have more power, it is difficult for victims to come forward to disclose their victimization. University officials and administrators need to work together to provide educational op­portunities and assistance for […]

Incidence and Reporting of Harassment

It is estimated that 25% to 30% of college students report experiences of sexual harass­ment (Menard et al., 2003). Sexual harassment on campus usually involves sexist com­ments, jokes, or touching, and the majority of students do not report it (Menard et al., 2003). Federal law prohibits the sexual harassment of college students, and victims of […]

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence

Several factors have been found to be related to IPV, including a history of IPV in the offender’s family and excessive alcohol use (Leonard, 2005; Lipsky et al., 2005). Educational programs can help educate the public about intimate partner violence. Safe housing for victims of IPV can also reduce the likelihood of future abuse. Today […]