День: 15.11.2015

Uklad partnerski a terapia seksualna

W klinice seksiatryeznej dla efektywnej terapii konieezna jest dokladna analiza caloksztaltu wi? zi і napi? c emocjonalnych istniej^cych w ukladzie partner­skim mi? dzy m? zczyznq. a kobiety. Niedostateczny wgl^d w caloksztalt wi? zi istniejiicych w ukladzie moze wiesc do falszywej diagnozy oraz bezskuteeznej terapii. W niektorych przypadkach leczenie oparte na falszywych przeslankach (powstalych wskutek braku […]

Uklad partnerski a zabnrzenia psychoseksualne

Zaburzenia psychoseksualne w wi? kszosci przypadkow sq zaburzeniami „parzystymi”, tj. rozwijajqcymi si? w obr? bie pewnego konkretnego ukladu, рагу, jakq stanowiq m? zczyzna і kobieta. Sq one wyrazem zabufzen w ukladzie partner­skim, tj. w rozwoju caloksztaltu wspolzycia w parze oraz caloksztaltu stosunkow interpersonalnych mi? dzy m? zczyznq a kobietq. Specyfika tych zaburzen polega na tym, […]

How Biologists Make a Difference

1. For a general discussion of the problems of visibility and observation in science, see Hacking 1983. 2. Arguments about body structure are not new. In the nineteenth cen­tury some well-known biologists poured lead shot into empty skulls and then held forth on which group of people (males or females, blacks or whites) had larger […]

Cultural Myths

The views of women, men, and sexuality discussed above are reflected in various cultural myths. They converge to support the conclusion that sexual assault is seduction and submission is consent (Pineau, 1989). In­deed, a review of the literature finds that acceptance of rape myths is higher among men, particularly men who report having engaged in […]

Long-Term Effects

It is not uncommon for children who are sexually abused to display what Finkelhor and Browne (1985) refer to as traumatic sexualization. Children may begin to exhibit com­pulsive sex play or masturbation and show an inappropriate amount of sexual knowl­edge. When they enter adolescence they may begin to show promiscuous and compul­sive sexual behavior, which […]

Date Rape Drugs

In the early 1990s reports began to circulate about the increasing use of Rohypnol (roh-HIP-nol) to facilitate sexual conquest or to incapacitate victims who are then sex­ually molested or raped (Daly, 2011; Staten, 1997). Rohypnol, commonly known on the street as "roofies," is the brand name for flunitrazepam, a powerful tranquil­izer that has a sedative […]