День: 15.11.2015

Spilling One’s Seed

Not so long ago, as I was walking round the Hermitage in St Peters­burg, I spotted among the many paintings a wonderful etching by Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) depicting a nude male model in front of a curtain. The young man is undoubtedly masturbating. Commen­tators speak of an ‘academic posture in a classical attitude expressing […]

Factors Associated With Rape

In an effort to understand the underlying causes of rape, researchers have looked at a number of psychosocial and sociobiological factors. Psychosocial Basis of Rape Many researchers and clinicians view rape more as a product of social­ization processes that occur within the fabric of "normal" society than as a product of the individual rapist’s pathological […]


Are blondes really dumb and dependent on men, and why is this attractive? Are Tinkerbell, Cinderella and Goldilocks good role models, or is it all one big fairy tale? Could blondes actually be dark horses who know exactly how to get what they want? ‘I can be smart when it’s important, but most men don’t […]

Treating the Rapist

Can men who rape be treated so that they lose their desire to rape? Many different ther­apies have been tried, including shock treatment, psychotherapy, behavioral treatment, support groups, and the use of Depo-Provera, a drug that can diminish a man’s sex drive. The idea behind Depo-Provera is that if the sex drive is reduced, so […]

What Type of Touch Is This?

Purpose: To improve your ability to communicate with touch and in­terpret what kind of touch you are receiving from your partner. Materials: Two pencils and two sheets of paper Suggested Time: 20 to 30 minutes Sit facing your partner’s back and write down in any order you choose the following four types of touch: "Playful," […]

Nowoczesne koncepcje rozwojowe seksuologii і seksiatvii

1. Koncepcja roznic indy mdualtiych Jednym z zasadniczych bl? dow w podejsciu do zachowan seksualnych byfa proba zaw? zenia wachlarza praktyk seksualnych uznawanych za „normalne” oraz wytyczenie zbyt w^skich і sztywnych ram, ktore mialy odgraniczac zachowanie seksualne normalne od „nienormalnego”. Tymczasem bogactwo і niezliczone wprost odmiany ludzkich osobowosci sprawiajj|, ze seksualnosc wyraza si? w ich […]


In Greek and Roman times, bathing was communal with a focus on cleanliness rather than sex. * In ancient India, some male spiritual groups participated in a disciplined naked existence, while the Hindu sect of the Sakas celebrated nudity and sex as natural. * The Jain religion still practises nudity today. * In the Middle […]

False Beliefs About Rape

An important factor in explaining the high incidence of rape in our society is the preva­lence of misconceptions about this crime. False beliefs concerning rape, rapists, and rape victims abound (Heath et al., 2011; McMahon & Farmer, 2011). Many people believe that roughing up a woman is acceptable, that many women are sexually aroused by […]

IX in Real Life

Questioning the Victim: Was He Asking for It? ReviewQuestion Explain some of the strategies given for ^avoiding a rape. When might these strategies cause more harm than good? Avoidance Strategies Rape is the only violent crime in which we expect a person to fight back. If a woman does not struggle, we question whether or […]

Going to Court

If a victim is undecided about whether or not to press charges, it may be helpful to sit in on a rape trial. Rape trials can be extremely difficult for all involved. However, the pur­pose of sitting in is not to scare a person but to prepare oneself. It is not easy to proceed with […]