Taken together, the qualitative and quantitative approaches give a more complete picture of why many women do not acknowledge their assault experiences as rape than data using only a single research paradigm. “For a positive social science, knowledge is constituted by the theoretical ordering of empirical observations of an objective reality. The data are descriptions […]
День: 16.11.2015
Although quantitative methods search for explanations, qualitative methods seek understanding (Comstock, 1994; Guba & Lincoln, 1994). Knowledge consists of consensus among informants regarding the meanings of their experiences. One method of gaining such knowledge is discourse analysis. Discourse refers to a “system of statements, practices and institutional structures that share common values” (Hare-Mustin, 1994, p. […]
Gender Systems: Toward a The ory of Human Sexuality
i. Sterling 1934, 1933. A number of scholars took the time to read and critique an earlier draft of this chapter. They of course bear no responsibility for its final condition, but they do deserve my heartfelt thanks: Liz Grosz, John Modell, Cynthia Garcia-Coll, Robert Perlman, Lundy Braun, Peter Taylor, Roger Smith, and Susan Oyama. […]
Strip Clubs
here are many occupations within the sex industry, including prostitution, porn acting, erotic writing, and dancing. Erotic dancing has typically been looked down upon, and strippers are often viewed as "deviant" and "bad" (Sweet & Tewksbury, 2000). What would make a woman want to take off her clothes for money? Women who strip for money […]
Legal Status and Sex Work
The legal status and the principles underlying the laws pertaining to the buying and selling of sexual services vary from place to place (Shaver, 2009). In most countries, including the United States, prostitution is considered an immoral activity and is illegal under criminal laws, except for some areas in Nevada. (Weitzer, 2007). In Sweden and […]
Summary of Quantitative Research
The quantitative research reported thus far suggests there are at least seven variables on which acknowledged and unacknowledged rape victims differ—the nature of her rape script, the amount of force experienced in nonrape sexual experiences, the amount of force used by the assailant in the rape, the amount of negative affect and feelings of victimization […]
Sexual Trafficking
orldwide, thousands of women and children are sold into sexual trafficking or sexual slavery every year (U. S. Department of State, 2005). This involves recruiting, obtaining, and transporting individuals by use of force or coercion for the purpose of forcing them into involuntary acts, such as prostitution. Typically young and vulnerable individuals are targeted […]
In Their Own Words
rostitutes the world over have different opinions, attitudes, and concerns about prostitution. Here are several comments from prostitutes from different countries. Frau Eva, Vienna, Austria: I have been in the business for eleven years and I founded the Austrian Association of Prostitutes. We organized in order to have a voice with public authorities. Austria, like […]
Concluding remarks
Writing in the Australian Feminist Law Journal, Margaret Thornton has recently spoken of her wish to begin ‘a conversation which I hope others will join so that we might discursively constitute a new episteme of feminist legal theory that is linked to the political’.[1082] In exploring whether ‘the conjunction of postmodernism and neoliberalism’ might add […]
Practice, politics and the limits of masculinity
The above concerns point to the conceptual limits of masculinity in relation to family law. I wish to draw this discussion to a close by considering an issue central to feminist legal scholarship — the way in which such analytical imprecision[1074] renders the concept potentially fraught with political dangers for feminism at the present moment. […]