День: 16.11.2015

Life After Prostitution

Potterat and colleagues (1990) found that female prostitutes stay in the life for a rela­tively short time, usually 4 or 5 years. Some feel ready to leave, whereas others are forced out because of a deteriorating physical appearance or because of addiction to drugs or al­cohol. Life after prostitution is often grim because most prostitutes […]


No discussion of prostitution can be complete without examining sexually transmitted infections, life after prostitution, and prostitution in other cultures. Prostitution and Sexually Transmitted Infections Most prostitutes are knowledgeable about STIs and AIDS. They try to minimize their risks by using condoms, rejecting clients with obvious STIs, and routinely taking antibi­otics. However, although female prostitutes […]

Teenagers in Sex Work

The U. S. Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section estimates that in the United States, the median age of entry into the sex industry is between 12 and 14 years of age (Lloyd, 2010). Statistics from the National Incident-Based Reporting System indicate that in the United States, of the total number of juvenile […]

Norma pariuerska

Ponizej przedstawiam szesc istotnych wyznacznifcow, ktore mog3 pomoc klinicyscie w odroznieniu погшу od patologii seksualnej w konkretnym ukladzie partnerskim. Wyznaczniki te stanowi‘3 zmodyfikowan3 przeze mnie wersj? погшу seksualnej wypracowanej — jeszcze za zycia Hansa Giesego — przez Instytut Sek — suologii w Hamburgu. S3 to: 1) roznica plci, 2) dojrzalosc, 3) obustronna akcepta — cja, […]

Concluding remarks

In the Introduction to this book we considered Freud’s ‘three blows’ the­ory of scientific development where man was thrice deposed from his central station in the universe; once by Copernicus, twice by Darwin, and then, of course, by Freud himself with the revelation that ‘the ego […] is not even master in its own house’ […]

Liquid sex

Modern individuals can in principle adopt sexual identities at will, but they do not do so in conditions of their own choosing. The social and political context of modernity sets the stage for sexual possibilities. For example, new communication technologies such as the Internet provide new sexual options, including the adoption of ‘virtual’ identities in […]