День: 16.11.2015

Online Pornography

The online pornography industry is quickly growing and was worth approximately $1 bil­lion in 2003 (Griffiths, 2003). Many of the online buying features available through web­sites today (such as real-time credit card processing) were developed by the pornography industry (Griffiths, 2003). This is not surprising, because research has found that 69% of U. S. Internet […]

What Is Harm?

Lahey (1991) argues that the attempt to determine the effects of viewing pornography misses the point because once again the focus is on men and their reactions; is it not enough that women feel belittled, humiliated, and degraded? The voice of women is silent in pornography studies. The questions focus on whether pornography induces sex­ual […]

Individual Studies

Several laboratory studies have sought to determine the reactions of men exposed to dif­ferent types of pornography. In most cases, men are shown pornography, and then a test is done to determine whether their attitudes toward women, sex crimes, and the like are ReviewQuestion Describe the studies that have been done examining pornography and harm. […]

Rape Scripts

Another reason for the existence of unacknowledged rape victims may be the nature of the rape scripts some women possess. A script de­scribes the events that normally occur in a given situation (Markus & Zajonc, 1985). Fiske and Taylor (1991) summarized the evidence that peo­ple in a given culture have common scripts for a wide […]


S ex research is a little like sex in that most people who engage in it are more comfortable without an audi­ence. The researchers who invited me into their labs did so at the peril of their funding, their privacy, their academic standing, their sanity. For saying “yes” when “no” was the sensible answer, I […]

Personalities, Attitudes, and Past Experiences

Do acknowledged and unacknowledged victims have different person­alities, attitudes, or background experiences that lead them to label their rape experiences differently? In an extensive investigation of this possibil­ity, Koss (1985) found no differences between acknowledged and unac­knowledged rape victims in dating behaviors, situational aspects of the rape experience, personality, or attitudes about rape. Levine-MacCombie and […]


The English word ‘penis’ comes from Latin and it originallymeant the tail of an animal. ‘Репе’ is Latin for ‘inside’ and itmay have implied the part that goes inside (the vagina). Thecorrect plural is either ‘penes’ or ‘penises’. ♦ ♦♦ Ithyphallophobia is a fear of seeing, thinking about orhaving an erect penis. ‘The mind can […]

Society-Wide Studies

In 1969, J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the F. B.I., submitted evidence to the Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography claiming that police observation had led him to believe that: A disproportionate number of sex offenders were found to have large quantities of pornographic materials in their residences. . . more, in the opinion of […]

Sexual Harassment in Academic Settings

Sexual harassment also occurs in educational settings. College students often find themselves in the unpleasant situation of experiencing unwanted sexual advances from their professors. Both sexes are vulnerable to this form of harassment. However, it is most commonly male professors or instructors who harass female students (Bingham & Battey, 2005; Kelley & Parsons, 2000). Academic […]

Studies on Pornography and Harm

Both sides of the pornography debate produce reams of studies that support their side; the Meese Report and antiporn feminists such as MacKinnon and Dworkin produce pa­pers showing that pornography is tied to rape, assault, and negative attitudes toward women, and others produce studies showing that pornography has no effects or is sec­ondary to more […]