Месяц: Ноябрь 2015

History of Prostitution and Sex Work

Prostitution has existed throughout history and has been called the oldest profession. However, the importance and meaning of prostitution have varied in different times and societies. Evidence shows that men sold sexual services to other men as far back as the ancient Sumerian and Greek civilizations (Pandey, 2007). During some periods of ancient Greek history, […]

Prostitution and Sex Work

Prostitution is the exchange of sexual services for money. Prostitution is typically thought of in terms of a woman selling sexual services to a man, although transac­tions between two males are also common. Payment for a man’s services to a woman is less common. Sex worker is a term for a person involved in prostitution […]

Is Pornography Harmful?

In contrast with research discussed in the previous "Is Pornography Helpful?" sec­tion, other studies report correlations between Internet pornography use and dimin­ished quality of relationships. One study of heterosexual college students found that higher use of pornography was associated with less sexual and relationship satisfaction (Morgan, 2011). A study of unmarried couples reported that individuals […]

Utilizing Your Success to Help Others

Becoming more aware of how significantly porn use harmed their lives— often from an early age—leads many former porn users to want to do something to help and protect others from experiencing the same prob­lems with porn that they encountered. Once their own recovery feels secure, they often become involved in educating others about the […]

Other Players in the Business

Prostitutes are not the only people involved in the business. Other players include pimps, clients, and the government. The Pimp Pimps play an important role in prostitution, although not all prostitutes have pimps. In exchange for money, a pimp offers the prostitute protection from both clients and the police. Many pimps take all of a […]

The double flame

One thing is certain: sexuality, including sexual potency, is nature’s great engine, and reproduction constitutes the natural basis of our existence — there is no escaping and no denying it. So respect for sexuality, but also respect for the problems of the impotent man is called for. Many people cannot summon up that respect. The […]

Is Pornography Helpful?

One important issue is the impact of pornography on those who use it. Arguments have been advanced on both sides of the question of whether and how pornography is helpful or harmful. Pornography can provide an endless variety of sexual fantasy material for arousal during masturbation without the potential of being rejected, being criticized by […]

(Gender Becomes Chemical)

1. Parkes i966,p. 72; quoted in idem, 1966, p. xx. 2. Corner 1965. 3. Quoted in Hall 1976, p. 83, 84. The discussion in this paragraph is based on Hall’s article. Physicians dealt with ‘‘a myriad of complaints and abnormalities that defied classification as failures or over-activity of the go­nadal chemical messengers’’ (p. 83). 4. […]

. Adolescent Prostitution

ReviewQuestion Describe what the research has found eabout adolescent prostitutes. are a debt she will one day repay. As soon as the relationship becomes sexual and the girl has professed her love for the pimp, he begins asking her to “prove” her love by selling her body. The girl may agree to do so only […]


The first sexologists were still heavily influenced by Victorian thinking. Havelock Ellis, an English doctor, was the first Victorian with a modern view of sexuality. He believed that a person’s attitude to sexuality was individually and culturally determined. This was something totally new, since in the preceding centuries, it had been assumed that sex was […]