Месяц: Ноябрь 2015

Sexual Experiences

Although we had no prior hypotheses regarding sexual experiences and rape acknowledgment, in each of our studies (Andreoli Mathie et al., 1994; Andreoli Mathie & Kahn, 1995; Kahn et al., 1994) we examined whether acknowledged and unacknowledged victims differed in their re­sponses to each item of the SES, such as those who indicated consensual TABLE […]

Narcissism and melancholia

Written in 1915 (though not published until 1917), ‘Mourning and Melancholia’ extends the work of Freud’s paper ‘On Narcissism’ of the previous year. The translation of Freud’s 1914 title ‘Zur Einfuhrung Des Narzissmus’ as ‘On Narcissism: An Introduction’, suggests that the paper promises an introductory sketch of narcissism, whereas the German title indicates that the […]

Who Becomes a Prostitute?

It is estimated that there are as many as 2 million prostitutes working in the United States today, some full time and some part time. Although there are more female pros­titutes with male clients than all other forms combined, there are also gay, lesbian, and straight male prostitutes (Goode, 1994; Perkins & Bennett, 1985). What […]

Media Resources

Log in to CengageBrain. com to access the resources your instructor requires. Go to CengageBrain. com to access Psychology CourseMate, where you will find an interactive eBook, glossaries, flashcards, quizzes, videos, and more. Also access links to chapter-related websites, including Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network; Facts About Sexual Harassement; Feminist Majority Foundation (Sexual Harassment […]

Computer sex

A professor of neuroanatomy at Groningen University is convinced that all sexual behaviour can be explained with the aid of brain scans and computer models. ‘As long as you programme computers properly, of course you can teach them to fuck,’ were his actual words. His statement testifies to an ancient and outdated view of mankind, […]


Erection, orgasm and reproduction form part of a long cycle, in which people partially fade into the background as they pass on their life to their descendants. In the last analysis we live not only for ourselves, but partly also for previous and succeeding generations. Seen in this light, intercourse, having an orgasm and fathering […]

Defining Prostitution

Researchers have found the study of prostitution a challenge, because the exact size of the population is unknown, making a representative sample difficult to come by (Shaver, 2005). Also, because prostitution is illegal, many prostitutes are hidden, so their behav­iors cannot be measured. Defining prostitution is not easy. The U. S. legal code is ambiguous […]