‘Basically, the thing at the time, you used to just try and find girls
that would fuck. The rest of it was just, you know. I mean, it wasn’t
quite as easy then as it is now. Since the invention of the Pill, it’s
become much easier.’ Mickjagger
The contraceptive pill was first released in Puerto Rico in 1956, then the US in 1960. It was not approved for use in Japan until 1999. Today, more than 100 million women worldwide take the Pill.
<S>At the beginning of the 1960s, men read National Geographic as a source of titillation — namely the anthropological articles from Africa illustrated with barebreasted women.
<S> Ditto Health and Efficiency. That is how desperate things were. <Ш> Lady Chatterley’s Lover by DH Lawrence was given the green light in 1960 in the UK, when the obscenity case against it was declared unfounded. This paved the way for a change in the laws and the public perception of what constituted pornography.
<S> Fiesta — founded in 1966 in Britain. Dubbed ‘the magazine for men that women love to read’, Fiesta’s most famous contribution is its Readers’ Wives page.
<S> Penthouse — founded in 1965, it occupies the middle ground between Playboy and Hustler.
<§> Mayfair — founded in 1965 in Britain in response to Playboy and Penthouse, remained relatively tame until the 1990s.
<S> Private — founded in 1965 in Sweden as the world’s first full — colour, hardcore pornographic magazine.
‘You don’t think I enjoyed what we did this evening, do you? What I did tonight was for Queen and countryl’ James Bond, Thunderhall, 1965