Names for sperm found on the internet include: jizz, spunk, cum, man milk, love juice, home-made yoghurt, mayo, boner brew, salt malt, cream baby juice, load, skeet, cocknog, nut-nectar, spooge and liquid sin. In a human ejaculation between 2 and 5 millilitres of sperm are emitted. Normally between 100 million and 200 million sperm cells are released on ejaculation, or between 20 and 50 million per millilitre. Sperm can be stored for years for artificial insemination, in so-called sperm banks. The sperm of animals used for breeding, like bulls and special breeds of dog, is very valuable, and millions of euros are involved in the sperm trade.
In mammals the sperm cell determines the sex of the descendant that emerges from the fertilized ovum. Techniques for sorting sperm cells by sex, so that parents can choose a boy or a girl, are being developed but are ethically controversial. This is not the case with cattle: sexed bull’s sperm has been available since 2002. Despite mixed experiences in the past, use of the technique was resumed from the end of 2005. Major companies can provide sexed sperm if required. In 2005 Monsanto applied for a patent on the ‘Decisive’ production process, in which the sex chromosomes (X and Y) are recognized by specific colouring. Through the use of a protective thinning agent the sperm cells can survive for approximately a day in the inseminated cow.