How do we adapt?

When we selea certain types of men and women to have children with, each child becomes a vote for the type of man and woman we want. The type of man or woman we selea is the most important vote any human casts. It is a vote that begins with the type of men and women we cheer for and ogle. . . continues with the type we marry. . . ends with the type with whom we create children. (Next to that, all our parenting skills are secondary.)

How do we get males to develop the nunurer-conneaor within them? When cheerleaders cheer for the men who listen rather than the men who play ‘ smash face" . . . when men protest being seleaed for their ability to win more than their ability to nurture.

Women will continue choosing the updated version of the killer male — men who make a killing in their profession — until men protest. Men will not protest until they see the conneaion between that obligation and their earlier deaths from heart attacks, cancer, suicide, and all fifteen leading causes of death. In brief, men will not protest until they see how continuing to play their Stage I role is making them the disposable sex. Here’s how. . .

Updated: 13.09.2015 — 13:41