Legacies of Christianity

Obviously the Christian influence on the ways in which sexuality in Africa has been/is seen is decisive. Furthermore, as has been the case for something like a century now, in many parts of Africa, Christianity is no longer just determining the ways in which gender relations are perceived from the outside; Christianity is also influencing the ways people see themselves, their past and present. As report­ed from Namibia by Becker, gender identities that were promulgated by the mis­sionaries in the first half of the 20th century are presented in postcolonial dis­course as ‘traditional’. Interviewing men and women in rural Owamboland, Beck­er was told that ‘in our tradition we are very Christian’. According to her “Chris­tianity has largely succeeded in restructuring people’s conceptual universe in im­portant respects, including the social, cultural and political representations of eve­ryday life.”

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This is yet another indication that ‘traditions’ change all the time. So what is the point in trying to disentangle, to say which parts of ‘tradition’ are traditional,

Updated: 29.10.2015 — 07:14