The Sexual Response Cycle of Older Men

Most changes in the sexual response cycle of older men involve alterations in the inten­sity and duration of response (Masters & Johnson, 1966; Segraves & Segraves, 1995).

Excitement Phase

During youth, many males can experience an erection in a few seconds. This ability is typically altered with the aging process. Instead of requiring 8 to 10 seconds, a man might require several minutes of effective stimulation to develop an erect penis. Fur­thermore, an older man’s erection may be less firm than was typical of his younger days. More direct physical stimulation, such as hand caressing or oral stimulation, may also be desirable or necessary.

Most men retain their erectile capacities throughout their lifetimes. When a man and his partner understand that a slowed rate of obtaining an erection is normal, the altered pattern has little or no effect on their enjoyment of sexual expression.

Updated: 05.11.2015 — 17:59