Рубрика: Abortion and Woman’s Choice

From Akron to Webster

In June of 1983, the Supreme Court issued a decision that surprised people on both sides of the abortion question. Apparently returning to its earlier liberal position, it strongly rejected all parts of an Akron, Ohio, ordinance regulating abortion services and reaffirmed Roe v. Wade.97 The Akron ordinance had required a twenty-four-hour waiting period after […]

«Medical Necessity» Versus Women’s Autonomy

Roe v. Wade The concept of "medical necessity," or "therapeutic abortion," defines nonmedical abortions as "elective," meaning they are somehow frivolous, unnecessary.5 This bifurcated view distorts reality; it denies that familial, economic, and sexual conditions, as well as those of physical health, create genuine needs that justify abortion. It also reduces the meaning of health, […]

The Ideological Message: Reprivatizing Sexuality and «Preserving the Family&quot

Organized opposition to abortion has never been a single-issue move­ment. The underlying message of the crusade against abortion—the mes­sage the New Right has embraced as its ideological centerpiece—is con­veyed in the defensive response by Dr. J. C. Willke, president of the NRLC, to accusations about firebombings and the harassment of abortion clinics: It is they […]

The Organizational Base: Churches and Reproductive Politics

In contrast to the peace, environmental, and antinuclear movements, which also contain many religious activists and groups, the antiabortion movement, which encompasses not only Catholics and fundamentalist Protestants but also Orthodox Jews, Mormons, and Black Muslims, is narrowly religious and antisecular. As Judge Dooling commented in McRae v. Harris, "the right-to-life movement. . . does […]

The Antiabortion Movement and the Rise of the New Right

Abortion derives its meanings, not from any theological text or abstract moral code, but from the particular historical conditions surrounding it. In the 1970s, those conditions—delayed marriage and increased college attendance and labor force participation, an active and vocal women’s liberation movement, and open dissemination of birth control—dramati­cally affected young unmarried women. Moreover, their impact […]