Instructor’s Manual with Test Bank ISBN-10: 0495603457 |

ISBN-13: 9780495603450

The sixth edition of Adult Development and Aging is accompanied by an instructor’s manual with test bank. Each chapter begins with a lecture outline that highlights the main points of the chapter. Additionally, supplemental information is included, as are suggested activities and dis­cussion topics. A list of suggested videos is also


provided. Included in the manual are numerous test items, which are also available in electronic format.

PowerLecture with Examview ISBN-10: 0495829838 |

ISBN-13: 97804950829836

The fastest, easiest way to build powerful, custom­ized media-rich lectures, PowerLecture provides a collection of book-specific PowerPoint lectures by Neil Davis, University of West Florida, and class tools to enhance the educational experience. Featuring automatic grading, ExamView® allows you to create, deliver, and customize tests and study guides (both print and online) in minutes.


As usual, it takes many people to produce a text­book; such is the case with the sixth edition. The editorial group at Wadsworth is excellent.

We also want to thank the reviewers of the sixth edition, who provided extremely helpful and insightful commentary that improved the book: Lisa M. Renzi, University of Georgia; Michael Trent, Triton College; Terry Webster, University of California, Irvine; and Ronaele Whittington, University of Hawaii. We would also like to thank Tarra Jefferson, Marisa Arroyo, Guy von Wiegand, and Daniel Pierce for their valuable work on the lit­erature search and references. We would also like to thank Audrey Duarte for her invaluable comments on the Neuroscience chapter.

Finally, to a group too often overlooked—the sales representatives. Without you none of this would have any payoff. You are an extension of us and the whole Wadsworth editorial and production team. What a great group of hard working folks you are!

Thanks to you all. Live long and prosper!

John C. Cavanaugh Fredda Blanchard-Fields


Updated: 28.08.2015 — 23:23