Рубрика: Adult Development and Aging

Juggling Multiple Roles

When both members of a couple with dependents are employed, who cleans the house, cooks the meals, and takes care of the children when they are ill? This question gets to the heart of the core dilemma of modern, dual-earner couples: How are household chores divided? How are work and fam­ily role conflicts handled? Dividing […]

Dual-Earner Couples

LEARNING OBJECTIVES • What are the issues faced by employed people who care for dependents? • How do partners view the division of household chores? • What is work-family conflict? How does it affect couples’ lives? J ennifer, a 38-year-old sales clerk at a department store, feels that her husband doesn’t do his share of […]

Retraining Workers

When you are hired into a specific job, you are selected because your employer believes that you offer the best fit between abilities you already have and those needed to perform the job. However, as noted earlier, the skills needed to perform a job typically change over time. Such changes may be due to the […]

Bias and Discrimination

Since the 1960s, organizations in the United States have been sensitized to the issues of bias and dis­crimination in the workplace. Hiring, promotion, and termination procedures have come under close scrutiny in numerous court cases, resulting in a host of laws to govern these processes. Gender Bias and the Glass Ceiling. Even though the majority […]

Ethnicity and Occupational Development

What factors are related to occupational selec­tion and development of people from ethnic minorities? Unfortunately, not much research has been conducted from a developmental perspec­tive. Rather, most researchers have focused on the limited opportunities ethnic minorities have and structural barriers, such as discrimination, that they face. Three topics have received the most focus: nontraditional occupations, […]

Gender, Ethnicity, Bias, and Discrimination

LEARNING OBJECTIVES • How do women and men’s occupational expectations differ? How are people viewed when they enter occupations that are not traditional for their gender? Work, Leisure, and Retirement 459 • What factors are related to women’s occupational development? • What factors affect ethnic minority workers’ occupational experiences and occupational development? • What types […]