The body of the person, as we know, on two thirds consists of water. Are especially rich with water of a fabric of a young organism. With age its quantity gradually decreases: so, for example, in a body of a three-months fruit – 95 percent of water, five-months – 85, the newborn child – 70 and the adult person – about 65 percent. In this regard, scientists consider as one of the reasons of aging of an organism fall of ability of colloidal substances of a body, especially proteins, to connect large amounts of water.
Not a secret that without food of people can live not one week, but without water perishes in some days. Long ago the recommendation of doctors is known that the person should drink not less than two liters of liquid in day. However at the beginning of the XX century when there was this information, it was a question more of water. Now the same who prefer to satisfy thirst with water, becomes ever less. More often people drink the aerated drinks and juice. However quite recently scientists from University of Northern Carolina made surprising discovery. As experts declare, calories are easier acquired by an organism not from firm food, namely from drinks.
Meanwhile, according to the dieticians, all drinks share on 6 groups: from most to the least desirable. Most preferable, certainly, water, then tea and coffee without sugar; milk; sweet drinks and juice; power drinks and alcohol. And here be most dangerous fruit drinks can. By estimates of scientists, only with drink of sweet drinks of people covers daily high-calorie norm. All liquid drunk in a day, is equal more than to 2 thousand calories. Besides, at high-calorie drinks is also a side effect: they force us is more.
Whether it is necessary to drink water during food – on this question there is no uniform point of view. One consider expedient to wash down with cold water almost each dish, others prove what to do it it is not necessary, as water dilutes gastric juice and considerably worsens digestion. To drink water that is recommended only before food, and in case of thirst. In the blank stomach water is not late and does not break processes of digestion of food. In filled, on the contrary, she is late and, diluting its contents, slows down digestion.
The daily need of an organism for water is defined by environmental conditions, kind of work, quantity of the accepted food. The superfluous water consumption does doubtless harm as promotes excessive load of heart and acceleration of processes of disintegration of protein.
Some animals, for example, camels, at long stay in the desert use oxidation of reserve fat as an additional source of water. And doctors to process fats in water use ability at fight against fatness when advise to limit amount of drunk liquid therefore disintegration of fats more intensively proceeds and quicker the mass of a body decreases.
Unfortunately, many drink помногу and is frequent, without reflecting that the superfluous use of water harmfully. If you cannot refuse a similar addiction, use the following recommendations: Laziness to read? Then listen!
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1. Absorption of water and receipt it in blood and fabrics of an organism begin approximately in 10-15 minutes therefore consider that the drunk water cannot relieve you of thirst at once.
2. Remember that superfluous drink strengthens a potootdeleniye. At a strong poteniye caress periodically a mouth and a throat water that will help to reduce thirst.
3. Try to abstain from frequent and plentiful drink, then after a while the feeling of thirst will appear less often.
4. Satisfy thirst gradually, drinking in 10-20 minutes only on нескольку drinks. Though for a satisfying of thirst matters not only a quantity of water, but also its flavoring properties. So, in Russia in hot weather long since drank grain kvass, and in Central Asia – cold broth from dried fruit or green tea.
5. And, at last, do not drink unboiled water. Watch, that water was transparent, pleasant on taste, flavourless and not too cold.
Remember, friends that in everything the measure is good, and observance of a rational water mode is an important condition of preservation of health. Protect it, be beautiful and happy!]