Below are short summaries of women featured in the book. This appendix is meant to connect featured women with basic demographic information, details too cumbersome to include in the body of the book. All women have been given pseudonyms, and I have changed certain details for some women to protect their identity, such as sex of child, exact occupation, and community of residence. However, income, level of education, race, age, and routes to motherhood are unchanged. All information is consistent with that given at the time of the first interview, with the exception of income, which is approximated here to correspond to 2004-2005 dollars. Social class is complicated to assess. Following Ellwood and Jencks (2001), I have taken into account both education and income as I assigned each woman to a social class. The page numbers that follow the description of each woman are a good tool with which to trace the women featured in the book.
Abby Pratt-Evans, a white 38-year-old woman, has one child, age 2, whom she gave birth to using anonymous donor sperm. Middle-class, Abby has two master’s degrees, works as a teacher, and makes S6o, ooo a year. She owns her own condo, and her mother provided child care for Abby’s son, who has recently begun to transition into family day care. (6, 8,14, 57-60, 65,69, 71,162,171,178,
206-7, 215’ 237ni (Ch. 4))
Althea Williams, an African American 40-year-old woman, has one child, age 3, whom she conceived with a known donor who lives abroad. Middle-class, Althea works as a professor and makes $85,000 a year. She lives in a multifamily home
that she owns and rents out two units, bringing in an additional $34,000 a year. (16-17, 44, 78-79, 205, 206, 2 15-16)
Angie Dasilva, a white 46-year-old woman, has one child, age 3, whom she conceived with a known donor, who is a parenting partner. Middle-class and with several advanced degrees, she works as a self-employed consultant, making $39,000 a year while receiving an additional $60,000 a year from her trust fund. She owns her condo. (148-49, 150, 151,216, 248П9 (Ch. 7))
Annette Barker, a white 42-year-old woman, has one child, age 3, whom she gave birth to using a known donor, who became involved with the child. Upper — middle-class, Annette works as a manager in a technology firm and makes $100,000 working four days a week. She has a small trust fund and owns her condo. (7-8, 33-34, 46, 81-83, T5^> 162-63, 178, 205, 211,216)
Barbara Graham, an African American 45-year-old woman, has one African American child, age 5, whom she conceived using an anonymous donor. Middle — class, holding several degrees, Barbara works as a professional in a university, making $78,000 a year. She owns a two-family home. Her mother, whom she considers a parenting partner, occupies the other apartment. A lesbian woman, Barbara also has a steady romantic partner. (18, 152-53, 216)
Beth Marshall, a white 41-year-old woman, has one child, age 2, whom she adopted through the Department of Social Services as an infant, rare for a white baby. Middle-class, she works as the director of a nonprofit organization, making $65,000 a year, adding to her paycheck with a yearly $10,000 gift from her parents. She has a master’s degree and owns her condo. (172, 216)
Brandy Heines, an African American 26-year-old woman, has one child, age 3. Working-class and with a high school degree, she works as a child care worker in a day care center and makes $25,000 a year. She receives two days of free child care for her daughter at the center where she works, and her mother helps with child care two days a week. She rents her apartment. (95-96, 164, 206, 216, 242119, 2421112)
Cara DeSouza, a white 32-year-old woman, has one biracial child, age 3, the result of a one-time encounter. Lower-middle-class, Cara, who has a two-year associate’s degree, owns a salon and makes $80,000 a year. She rents her home and her parents help her with child care. (91-92, 216)
Caroline Barton, a white 46-year-old woman, adopted two sibling sets. At the time of the interview, they were ages 18 and 19 and ages 4, 7, and 8. Middle-class, she works as a high-level administrator employed by the state, making $60,000 a year while completing a doctoral degree. She receives approximately $10,000 a year in financial assistance for the younger sibling group from a government agency to pay for the special services her children need. (121-23,216)
Charlotte Alvord, a white 48-year-old woman, has one child, age 5, whom she adopted from Romania. Middle-class, Charlotte works as a professor, making $70,000 a year, and lives in campus housing. (10, 11, 183-84, 207-8, 217)
Claudia D’Angelo, a white 52-year-old woman, has one son, age 7, whom she adopted from Russia. Middle-class, Claudia works as a clinical psychologist and makes $50,000; she receives additional yearly money from her mother. She owns a multi-family home, renting out two apartments. She has a long-term romantic partner, Carl, (xii-xiv, 3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 20, 24, 25, 48-49, 110-12, 145, 146, 158, 162, 173, 180, 203, 217)
Colleen O’Neil, a white 53-year-old woman, has one child, age 13, the result of a planned pregnancy with her then-boyfriend. Middle-class, Colleen works as an artist and runs a bed-and-breakfast, bringing in $55,000 a year from the latter. A small trust fund left by her father, who lived with her until his death, adds $10,000 a year, replacing his Social Security check, which used to add to her family income. She owns her own home. (90, 92,93-94, 168, 213,217, 242П10)
Corina Joseph, a white 44-year-old woman, has one child, age 3У2, whom she gave birth to using an anonymous donor. Middle-class, Corina, who holds a series of degrees, works on contract as a software developer and made $40,000 a year at the time of her interview, an amount that can vary drastically. She owns her own home and usually rents out two rooms. (70-72,217)
Crystal Stevens, an African American 28-year-old woman, has one child, age 3У2, the result of chancing pregnancy with her then-boyfriend. Working-class, she works as a secretary, making $20,000, while finishing up her associate’s degree. She rents her apartment. (93, 217)
Darlene Caroff, a white 47-year-old woman, has one child, age 23, the result of a chanced pregnancy. Working-class with a high school diploma, she works a secretary, making $50,000 a year. She rents her apartment. (101-2, 217, 242П10)
Deborah Toland, a white 44-year-old bisexual woman, has one child, age 9, whom she gave birth to using a known donor, who has escalated his involvement. Lower-middle-class, Deborah, who has a bachelor’s in education, works as a child care worker in a day care center and makes $25,000 a year. She owns a two-family home and rents the other unit, bringing in $12,000 a year. (72-73, 75, 217, 2401128)
Ellen Hammond, a white 31-year-old woman, has a daughter, age 2, the result of what she terms an unplanned pregnancy with her boyfriend, Gavin, who remains sporadically involved. Middle-class, Ellen works as a financial analyst and makes $105,000 a year. She lives in and rents out rooms in the house her mother owns. (12, 48, 86-88, 89, 92, 96, 102, 156, 159, 162, 169, 178, 180, 206, 217)
Marli Simmons, a white bisexual 46-year-old woman, has one child, age 3, whom she adopted from China. Middle-class, she works as a professor, making $60,000 a year with an additional $10,000 gift from her mother. She rents her home. (107-8, 112-13, 114, 127-28, 129-30, 219-20, 244Ш113-14, 2441116, 245П20)
Mary Conners, a white 49-year-old woman, has one child, age 13, the result of chancing pregnancy with her then-boyfriend, who serves as a parenting partner even though the romance ended. Middle-class, Mary works as a teacher and makes $55,000 a year. She owns her own home, in which she periodically rents rooms. (99-100,153-54, т5^, 22°> 242ni4)
Melissa Manning, a white 40-year-old woman, has twins, age 4, whom she gave birth to using an anonymous donor. Middle-class, Melissa works as a clinical social worker with a private practice and makes $65,000 a year, supplemented by a trust fund that yields $20,000 annually. She owns her own home. (64, 66, 69, 181-82,188, 220)
Nadine Margolis, a white 39-year-old woman, has twins, age 2, whom she conceived using an anonymous donor. Middle-class, Nadine works as an engineer and makes $100,000 a year. She rents her home, hoping to buy in the neighborhood. (25-26, 30-31, 43, 64-65, 66, 69, 173, 174, 174-75, ^6, 22°)
Naomi Henderson, a white 33-year-old woman, has one child, age 1, the result of a chanced pregnancy with a boyfriend who fathered a child with another woman at the same time. Middle-class, she works as a property manager, making $70,000 a year. She rents her home. (15, 96-97, 206, 220)
Nicole Shiff, a white 45-year-old woman, has two biracial (Native American and white) children, ages 12 and 15, whom she adopted out of foster care at ages 6У2 and 8. Aliddle-class, Nicole works as a self-employed consultant and makes between $60,000 and $120,000 a year. She owns her own house. (10, 11, 220)
Patricia Sullivan, a white 45-year-old woman, has one African American child, age 3, whom she adopted through a private agency. Middle-class, she works as a nurse, making $50,000 a year. A former lover occasionally helps her out financially. She rents her apartment and sublets out a room. Her roommate has a special relationship with the child. (114, 115-16, 117, 128-29, 163, 166, 168-69, 220)
Penny Hawkins, a white 39-year-old woman, has а 1У2 — year-old child, whom she adopted from Romania after her infant conceived using an anonymous donor died. Aliddle-class, Penny works as an editor and makes $57,000 a year. Her widowed mother moved into the home Penny owns to help care for her child. (15, 22°)
Rebecca Thompson, a white 45-year-old woman, has a 4-year-old child, whom she adopted out of China as an infant. Middle-class, Rebecca works as a lawyer and makes $130,000 a year. She owns her own house and runs a small bed-and-